Tag: Webinar

May 14, 2020

WaSH Wednesday: With Er. Ramesh Bamble!

Er. Ramesh Bamble (Ex. Deputy Municipal Commissioner, MCGM) is the chairman of the Indian Water Works Association’s Mumbai center and is working on a World Bank-funded project under the government of Maharashtra for providing water

May 14, 2020

WaSH Wednesday: With Mr. Anand Jagtap!

Mr. Anand Jagtap (Ex. Officer on Special Duty, MCGM) is currently pursuing his Ph.D. from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. He has worked with more than 850 community-based organizations that run the community toilet

May 14, 2020

WaSH Wednesdays!!

WaSH Wednesdays connected students at NC State with practitioners, industry professionals, and researchers internationally over WaSH issues through webinars. We had two amazing speakers this year and their talks focused on the sanitation system and