Who we are

The Society of Physics Students (SPS) at North Carolina State University is an organization open to anyone with an interest in physics with four fundamental values:


SPS is devoted to preparing our members for their future. We encourage our members to explore careers in industry as well as academia by providing resources and tips for both options. Academic success is an important part of uplifting each other, which is why we provide networks and resources to ensure academic success.


At SPS at NC State, we are devoted to being open to anyone with an interest in physics regardless of age or major. We also have a strong anti-discrimination policy to ensure everyone is welcome and expect our members to uphold this policy. Encouraging each other is integral to the physics community at NC State.


Academic accomplishment comes with a responsibility for service. SPS encourages members to be active in giving back to communities and fostering the next generation of scientist.


One of the primary focuses of SPS is developing strong networks and the skills to create more. This includes everything from social to professional contacts. Meetings most often focus on creating and fostering connections and cultivating a stronger community.

What we do

Through biweekly meetings, we provide professional development and focus on creating a community of physics enthusiasts. Meetings can range from resume-building workshops to making ice cream with liquid nitrogen. Through emails and discord announcements, we also provide resources and opportunities to our members.

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