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Hanging With The Cool Kids

Good Afternoon!

I am just sending an email to say we want you to volunteer and/or
perform at our event, Hanging with the Cool Kids!

All we are asking is for 10-15 minutes of your time. During this
event, we will have performances during different lunch periods. We
are trying to have similar performances each lunch period so the
students can receive the same insight on colleges and what we have to
offer them!

Riverside High School is a VERY diverse school. It is very mixed with
african-american students, white students, hispanic students, asian
students and some of the students are refugees. It is a GREAT
environment but some of the students they lack motivation and a lot of
them are not aware of the many opportunities they have. I am sending
this email help ensure of the success of the event by getting the word
out and making sure people understand the true purpose.

Follow us on IG @Coolkidshangout and use the hashtag
#COOLKIDSGOTOCOLLEGE if you ever talk about the event. Sign up will
close on Sunday, April 23rd to students who are not already approved
to volunteer in DPS. If they already registered through DPS, they have
until the following Sunday, April 30th to register on the google docs

Hope this email gave you all a little more background information on
the event. Without you all there is no event!

Thank you!