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New year, new lecture, new view on healthcare

“Until the lion has his own historian, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.”  This African proverb, so often spoken by Dr. Lawrence M. Clark, Sr., is considered to be accurate by several. It is for this reason the Annual L.M. Clark Lecture is highly respected and anticipated by many.

“As a senior, I regret that I’ve only attended last year’s lecture,” said Stacy Franklin, majoring in public and interpersonal communication. “I knew that I’d try not to miss another one, so I can’t wait for this year’s.” But what are the Clark Lectures really about?
The purpose is for a knowledgeable member of the African-American, and a formerly active member of the N.C. State community to educate, openly discuss and bring awareness to issues directly affecting minority youth. The discussion and delivery methods seem to be quite appealing to students who may not have been interested in these issues otherwise.
Dr. Clark has an extraordinary legacy that sets the precedence for the relevance of the lectures carrying his name. For those who may be unfamiliar with Dr. Clark, also a Marine Corps veteran, his contributions to the world of education here at N.C. State began in 1974, when he became Associate Provost and a full professor in the College of Education. Following these roles, Clark played an active role in the University’s Affirmative Action Plan, served as Executive Director of the Africa Project, and can be heavily associated with the initial establishment of the African-American Cultural Center.
This year’s lecture is one that is extremely relevant to an issue that continues to pose a problem within the African-American and minority communities today: health care. Delivered by Dayna Matthew, the accredited associate dean for academic affairs and professor of law at the University of Colorado, the message is entitled “A New Strategy to Combat Racial Inequality in American Health Care Delivery.”
Destiny Rogers, a junior in English, hopes to learn “how to help those in need of health care within a harsh, unfair, and insensitive government system.”
A former civil litigator in the state of Kentucky, Matthew is no stranger to world of healthcare.  Not only was she an assistant professor at the University of Virginia following the obtainment of her Juris Doctrate, she also served as an editor of the Virginia Law Review while pursuing this degree. Matthew’s articles on health and anti-trust law topics can be found in law reviews from multiple states.
Come join Dr. Clark, Dayna Matthew, the African-American Cultural Center, and the Eta Omicron Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., for what is sure to be a groundbreaking and influential lecture tonight at 7 p.m. This event, hosted in the Washington Sanfoka Room of Witherspoon Student Center, will be held in conjunction during the annual Alpha Phi Alpha Week.