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N.C. State Students Hit the Polls for Early Voting

Jasmyn Morere| Staff Writer

Early voting began Oct. 18 in N.C. State’s Talley Student Center. The reasons for students voting on campus have been varied with some hoping to avoid Election Day crowds, and others enthused about receiving fake mustaches in exchange for pledging to vote.
 As Nov. 6 quickly approaches, more and more students have utilized Talley’s easy voting system and demonstrated their political prowess in the 2012 election.
Jackson Roberts, a freshman majoring in Communication, cast his vote in the Presidential Election last Thursday. Roberts was most impressed with the ease and availability of voting. Unaware that voting had begun on campus, he first learned about it, after he saw a post on Facebook. Not sure if the post was legit, Roberts made a trip to Talley where he “just decided to do it then.”

A first-time voter, Roberts values the right to vote. “My vote is just one of many,” he said, “but I feel it’s an honor to participate in something established since the founding of our country.” Roberts recommend everyone participate in early voting. “It takes around ten minutes to vote at Talley, and the convenience of being on campus is hard to beat,” said Roberts.

According to the N.C. State Student Government website, all students need to do in order to vote is ensure that they register at their campus address. Students who have not registered can do so in Talley, provided that they vote early. Students registered elsewhere can register and Early Vote at the same time.

Those students who filled out a ballot prior to Monday, Oct. 22, made their decision without seeing the final presidential debate. While this may concern some voters, others on campus are still confident with their decision. “I’ve already seen one of the candidates in action for four years,” said Roberts, “and I made my decision awhile ago.”

Early voting ends on Nov. 3.