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Chelsea Hayes

The NPHC works to create and maintain high standards in the life of its fraternities and sororities, as well as to perpetuate constructive fraternity and sorority relationships. The council contributes to the political, spiritual, social, economic, and cultural life on the campus and the surrounding community through relative programs and support.

Chelsea’s words of advice: “Welcome NCSU’s class of 2017. As a freshman on such a large campus, it can be very easy to become intimidated. With over 400 organizations and over 34,000 students, you may truly feel like a small fish in a very big sea. But I challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone. Ignore all negativity and feelings of doubt because you made it to this institution on your own merit. Take the time to explore the endless opportunities that will be presented to you. With the right network of people, the right amount of confidence, hard work and of course trial and error, you can and will succeed. Good luck NCSU ’17 and welcome to the Pack!”