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Tolu Takes The Torch

Aaliyah Singleton | Staff Writer 


Next year, Toluwalope Oyelowo, a sophomore in biomedical engineering will take over the position of AASAC Chairperson.

Affectionately known at Tolu to friends, Oyelowo currently serves as AASAC Secretary, and an Engineering Ambassador with N.C. State’s National Society of Black Engineers chapter. When she came to N.C. State, Oyelowo knew that she wanted to get involved within the African-American community, which is why she jumped at the chance to serve as a Freshman Representative for AASAC. The following year she served as AASAC Secretary. “Through these past two years, I’ve acquired an understanding of how AASAC and its accompanying organizations function, and what issues need to be addressed,” said Oyelowo.

Oyelowo was very upfront about the goals she would like to achieve while serving as AASAC Chairperson saying in part, “One goal that I hope to implement is having all organizations know and carry out their mission/purpose, to ensure that we are aware of what we’re working toward,” said Oyelowo. “ I want to increase organizational collaboration by ensuring there is unity in the community, mainly through early planning and partnership, and improving the AASAC Calendar.”

In terms of specific causes, Oyelowo said, “ I plan on keeping up with the initiatives that were carried out during Marshall’s term as well as working to target the underlying sentiments that many African-Americans believe prevent them from succeeding at N.C. State, but fail to express.”

Current Chairperson, Marshall Anthony was officially inducted into the position last year at the 2013 Ebony Harlem Awards. He previously served as AASAC Parliamentarian.

Anthony had nothing but postivie things to say about his successor saying, “I believe Tolu is the best person to lead AASAC, and I have confidence that she will take AASAC to the next level and continue to have AASAC serve as a valuable asset to the campus community.”

As chair, Anthony has instituted both  the AASAC Universal Calendar and the AASAC Twitter account in order to keep all the organizations of AASAC on the same page. According to Anthony, in  previous years, scheduling conflicts frequently prevented the members of varying AASAC organizations from attending each others events due primarily, to double booking.

“I think Marshall has done a wonderful job this year rebuilding the AASAC brand and working to initiate #TheNewAASAC,” said Oyelowo. “He’s implemented several innovative ideas to enhance the communication and collaboration within the African-American community, and effect necessary change.”

As a graduating senior, Anthony hopes he has left a lasting impact on AASAC. “I am proud to have brought in the 25th year of AASAC,” said Anthony. “I believe my legacy for AASAC is introducing a new era of impacting the community. The rebuilding, rebranding, and rejuvenation has all aided in redefining the relevance of AASAC.”

Anthony credits much of his success to the support of his current E-board, which includes Oyelowo. “As the 2013-14 Secretary of AASAC, Tolu helped create and carry out many new initiatives for #TheNewAASAC,” said Anthony. “As the only underclassmen of my Executive Board, Tolu performed with the same amount of drive and determine to rebuild AASAC as the rest of my E-Board, including me.”

Anthony also offered a few suggestions for Oyelowo saying, “The advice I have for my successor, Tolu, is to have a plan, but better yet a vision. In addition, have S.M.A.R.T. goals for any new initiatives and consistency is key. Lastly, be flexible. Everyday is going to be different than the day before and the moment you think you may be able to relax, that’s usually when something else comes to light. Utilize our advisor and partner with other student leaders, and, most importantly, remember to take time out for yourself each day. AASAC is in great hands, you got this.”