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We Don’t Mean Any Disrespect, But…


This unsigned editorial is the opinion of the Nubian Message’s editorial board, and is the responsibility of the editor-in-chief. 

 The acceptance rate for African American students at N.C. State remains at an all time low. Black students have felt racially profiled by campus police while eating lunch in the Atrium. Students have received hate group propaganda in their residence halls, disturbing their peace of mind and sense of security. Events meant to celebrate our legacy at N.C. State have been snatched away. 

These occurrences have all taken place within the last two years, yet people still ask the question, “Why do we need the Nubian Message?”

We need the Nubian Message because without it, all of these instances would continue to be swept under the rug. The Nubian Message is here to make sure that issues of importance to Black students and members of the Black Community receive the media coverage they deserve.

Malcolm X once said, “The media is the most powerful entity on the Earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because, they control the minds of the masses.”

We already know the power of the pen, our Black hand and most importantly, knowledge of who and whose we are. Within the pages of each weekly Nubian Message we are presented with the opportunity to tell OUR story. As the Black Media Voice on campus we hold the power to write our own legacy.

This is why we need the Nubian Message.