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Senator Kay Hagan meets with N.C. State Students


Staff Report

U.S. Senator Kay Hagan of North Carolina stepped foot in Talley Student Union to speak with an intimate group of N.C. State students about education on Monday.

Students Rashaad Hamilton and Josue Berduo shared the mic with Hagan.

Hamilton a senior in political science and N.C.State’s Collegiate 100 president expressed why he supports the Senator’s campaign to keep her seat and a his concerns about growing student debt after graduation.

NC State Collegiate 100 president Rashaad Hamilton tells Hagan why she has his support
NC State Collegiate 100 president Rashaad Hamilton tells Hagan why she has his support

Berduo a junior in economics, N.C. State College Democrat’s Director of Communications and SGA’s Government Relations Director named Hagan’s stance on federal Pell Grants as one of his reasons for supporting the candidate. Hagan is known for aiding legislation that helps students obtain federal money for their studies

The Senator’s visit was one of her campaign stops of the week, she said she had just been to Asheville and Greensboro days before.  .

College Democrats worked with the Hagan campaign to produce the invitation only event.

About 50 students sat and stood to hear from the sitting Senator. Hagan expressed her support for college students at N.C. State and beyond.


Hagan criticized the sales tax that was recently added to college student meal plans,a result of her opponent Thom Tillis’ legislature. She said he’s out of touch with the needs of college students.
