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What’s It Worth?

A Protester’s Perspective


Vernon Holman | Staff Writer

Amid the controversial events that occurred in 2014, some of the most concerning and polarizing events where the fatal incidents involving police and unarmed black teens. As viewers saw these events unfold in the news, various emotions surrounding race were invoked within American society.

“I like to help people who can’t speak for themselves or help themselves. In Ferguson, they are victims in a system that could be better,” said junior and president of SPEAK, Students Proactively Engaged towards Activism Knowledgably Jonique Lyles.

Protests spread all over the world in response to the brutality, most commonly demanded  for change and awareness.

 With these protests happening and a fight for change people may find themselves asking, What are the emotions of the black youth or youth in general? Are the protests important, and what is it for?

A number of students have shown their anger and frustration. Events have ranged from protests to passing bills through student government, die-ins to general discussion, and acquiring knowledge of how they can make an impact in their own communities. 

Police brutality is part of systematic problem said Junior Brayndon Stafford, Afrikan American Student Advisory Council, AASAC Parliamentarian and Community Outreach Chair of AYA ambassadors.

“It’s important because that could’ve been me. I’m tired of the injustices occurring. [The political activity] shows us coming together for a cause that affects us all. In order for us to overcome it, we have to be unified together as one, because when we do we have the strength to do the impossible,” Stafford said.

“People in our community know about these situations and deal with feeling of being lesser than. However, these protests are bringing these issues to the forefront to reach a part of America that isn’t aware of these events but could potentially help and become a resource,” said Khari Cyrus, a junior studying biological sciences and SGA representative.

There are a lot of feelings about what the importance of these protest are, but it can be agreed that they are necessary.

Any pursuit for change is needed. Being more involved in these systems can show members of other underrepresented groups that activism can make a difference.

Whether it takes months or years, we can eventually make change as history has shown us.