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AASAC Chair shares plans for the upcoming year

QuiAnne’ Holmes
Staff Writer

The Afrikan American Student Advisory Council, AASAC stands as the umbrella council organization for all the African and African-American student organizations at NC State.
The main purpose of this council according to incoming chairperson Breanna Powell a senior majoring in social work, is to “serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas and the dissemination of information to all African American student organizations.”
AASAC also implements three important goals in which they will continue to encourage their organizations to use. 1. To advocate for the education of African American students about their cultural heritage in order to promote and uplift an African centered consciousness. 2. To develop the leadership potential and the academic and professional development of all African American students through the reflection of the seven *Nguzo Saba principles. 3. To identify and address the needs and concerns of African American students through unity action and effective communications.
AASAC does not serve as a sole source of programming but rather a catalyst to greater leadership and activism within its organizations. Powell said that AASAC encourages programs that are relevant to the current climate on campus as well as the national climate with the purpose of informing and educating not just African-American students, but all students.
“As far as my goals for this year, I really want to continue stressing the importance of collaboration within and outside of AASAC. I also would like for each and every organization included under AASAC to really begin the process of learning the history of their organizations fulfilling the true purpose and mission of their respective organizations, as well as beginning to leave a legacy for the student leaders that will come after us. My executive board and I will implement an Accountability Partners system to help with collaboration and our community project for the year, the AASAC History Portfolio will really assist organizations in the process of fetching their history and paving a way for students that will take their places.”
AASAC has a lot planned to uplift its organizations this year, according to Powell.
In order to get to this place it is essential to assess the challenges along the way. AASAC has faced challenges of making sure each organization felt recognized and respected. Powell also acknowledges that past AASAC executive boards have done everything they could to establish a platform for AASAC so that everything they do from this point forward will be taken seriously.
In all, if you are not a part of any of the organizations under the Afrikan American Student Advisory Council this could be your year to participate in a community full of goals, principles, and activism. Powell even has advice for the incoming freshmen: JUST DO IT! There are so many resources available to you and so many students, staff and faculty members who want to see you succeed. If you are trying to get involved, connect with any of us and we will lead you in the right direction!