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SAAC makes a comeback, increases campus presence

Jessica Stubbs | Staff Writer

The Society of Afrikan American Culture (SAAC) is the oldest black student organization on campus and was founded as the black political voice for students.

SAAC Week just ended and there is no doubt that this organization has made its comeback to NC State’s campus.

“To me, SAAC represents the past and present movement for Black Lives, family and love, passion and purpose, and creative leadership and political engagement,” said Vice President Jasmine Cannon. Cannon has been with the organization since September of 2014.

Over the years, SAAC has flourished and it has also fallen to the wayside.  This year, however, with two successful Talley parties and increased student involvement, SAAC has gained visibility and popularity on campus.

“The 90’s Talley Party: In Living Color because it was the event that catapulted SAAC back into relevancy.  We were getting moderate program attendance and people weren’t really sure what SAAC was.  After the party people were like SAAC is back and taking interest in what we could potentially do,” said Marcus Zeigler, the President of SAAC.

Zeigler has been SAAC president for the 2015-2016 school year. He said that the hardest part of his job has been thinking of ways to bring SAAC back.

“SAAC is the center of all black involvement. It is the centerpiece in the black community. Being the political voice on campus of the African-American community, has brought the community closer,” Zeigler said.

SAAC can help provide political and organizational knowledge base to the younger students to help acclimate them to the campus environment.

Cannon said that her favorite event SAAC has done this semester was ‘Barack to the Future.’

“The program was so strong, fun and informative. Our underclassmen really showcased their skills and talents in that program,” she said.

Zeigler and Cannon are both seniors graduating in May, but they are both very optimistic about the future of SAAC after their departure from NC State.

“After I graduate, I believe SAAC will continue to grow. The responsibility just lies in knowing our history and purpose, continuing to make sure everyone feels included, and collaborating within the organization and with our student leaders,” said Cannon.

Zeigler agreed saying, “I think we have a good core of younger students, so I think that they can grow and do better than what I have done and continue to grow and keep SAAC the great organization that it is.”

SAAC elections are coming up next month, so if you are interested in holding a position, contact Cannon or Zeigler for updates and events.