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Letter From The Editor: Diversity Education Week

Hello lovely people,

I hope everyone made good choices on Halloween, and if not, I hope the repercussions aren’t too bad.

The end of October saw this year’s Diversity Education Week and there were so many amazing events that happened. Sadly, we couldn’t cover them all, so in this issue you’ll find a selection of coverage from the events we could attend. These include speakers like Franchesca Ramsey and Porsha O.’s amazing performance and workshop. If you’ve never heard of Porsha O., she’s an incredible poet who writes on social justice and personal issues in a very raw and powerful way. You can find many of her poems on YouTube, and I fully recommend that you do.

There was also a very important talk hosted by TRIO about food insecurity and homelessness amongst college students. As someone who benefitted from SNAP programs and was actually homeless for a while, albeit before college, I understand how important fostering these kinds of conversations are.

In this issue, you’ll also get a review of play “The Exonerated,” which, sadly, is over and done for now, but was an important part of Diversity Education Week. Even if you didn’t get to see it, University Theatre puts on some pretty incredible productions during the year. I believe next up is “Beowulf, Lord of the Bros” and I, for one, am pretty darn excited about that. Epic poetry meets rock musical…too interesting to miss.

And don’t worry; we aren’t ignoring the homecoming concert. You’ll be able to view a gallery of photos on the website. But some events and behavior at the concert inspired (read: provoked) one of our writers into an opinion about inclusivity on our campus. You’ll find that on the very back of the paper.

Lastly, this is the Nubian Message’s birth month! Yes, I am one of those extra people that celebrates the whole thing. I’m super excited for our special Nubian issue on the 29th. If you guys have suggestions of anything you’d like to read about the Nubian, let us know. Also, if you have anything you’d like to say about the paper and what it means to you and campus, you can submit a few words to our email, I would really love to have some of your words in the paper, because the Nubian is nothing without the community.

That being said, love always,
