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Letter From the Editor: New Year

Hello Lovely People and welcome back!

Happy new year and all that jazz. I hope the first weeks of class weren’t too overwhelming (besides apparently apocalyptic ice and snow) and that you have a class in there for you. I understand we’re all here for a degree, but don’t forget to enrich yourself too. Take a yoga class, or some creative writing, something that you enjoy. I know I mention self care a lot in my letters, and that’s because it’s what’s kept me sane these past 2 years, and seeing as this semester is my home stretch, it’s only going to get more important.

So for this issue, we’re pretty heavily MLK focused, in honor of the man himself. There’s a commentary on his visit to NC State back in ‘66, a mere decade after the first black undergraduate students were admitted to our illustrious university, and how he was received. There’s also a guest column reminding us to remember Martin Luther King Jr. as a whole man, a human being, and not the patron saint of black passivity he’s been turned into.

Also, the Nubian Message would like to congratulate Marshall Scholar Kobi Felton for embodying Black Excellence. If earning one of the most prestigious scholarships in the nation wasn’t enough, Felton is the first African-American from NC State to be awarded the scholarship, which makes this even more special. A victory for him, but also for all of us here at State.

Lastly, I’d like to welcome some new writers to the Nubian Message. We may be half way through the year, but it’s never too late to join! If you’re interested, feel free to drop by a staff meeting in the office, Witherspoon 314, at 6:30 any Wednesday or contact us at The next month will see a lot of events and coverage for Black History Month, so it’s a great time to jump right in and hit the ground running.

Love always,
