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Letter from the Editor: Food and Housing Insecurity

Hello lovely people,

Sorry for the little hiccup in the schedule, but spring break, you know? So this semester, we’ll only have two more issues of the Nubian, one on April 4th, and then on the 18th, and that last one will be out through the end of the semester and exams. So if you have something to say, your chances are dwindling! We’re always open to taking guest columns and suggestions for coverage. Just contact us at

Now for this issue. To your right, you’ll meet Ms. Angela Gay, if you haven’t already. She is the assistant director of the Women’s Center, A.K.A. the according to Keilah, who got the chance to talk to her for this awesome Blackademics article.

Center spread is a far less cheerful story. Dr. Mary Haskett, from our very own psychology department, has released a study you may have heard about. It examines the prevalence of food and housing insecurity among NC State students. This is a very real problem, and it’s very much here on our campus. I’m so glad that we got the chance to highlight these issues, so please take a look. We need to make sure we’re fostering a campus community where these things can be talked about openly and honestly. Part of the article talks about the social stigma that comes along with food and housing insecurity. Breaking down those stigmas starts with conversation, so share this article with friends, family and administrators. Let them know this is important to us.

After that we have a little culture section for you. Over spring break, I got to read the most amazing book. It’s called “Children of Blood and Bone” by my new favorite author, Tomi Adeyemi. Black Girl Magic runs rampant through this novel, literally and figuratively. It’s the fantasy book I have been waiting for, with black people and African mythology. You can read the rest of my nerd out on page six. Also, one of our writers has found herself getting into podcasts and wanted to make some recommendations for the culture, so you’ll find that on page seven.

Well that’s all for now. Thanks for sticking with us this year; we’re almost in the home stretch! And if you’re new to the paper, welcome to the Nubian Message family.
