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Food and Housing Resources at NC State

Kennysha Woods | Managing Editor

Following the release of the food and housing insecurity survey by the Food and Housing Security Among NC State Students Initiative, Nubian Message is providing information on food and housing resources available on our campus.

Food Resources

Feed the Pack Food Pantry:
This pantry provides free food and beverage items, reusable dishware and cutlery, and hygiene products to all Wolfpack members. They’re also taking volunteers, donations and outreach opportunities.

Location: 1333 Broughton Hall
Hours of Operation: Mondays—Thursdays from 2:00PM to 6:00PM, Fridays from 12:00PM to 4:00PM

More in My Basket:
This program aids North Carolina residents in accessing Food and Nutrition Services (aka, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)) through application assistance and educational outreach.

English: 1-855-240-1451
Español: 1-888-382-7105

Campus Farmers’ Market:
Local food vendors gather and sell affordable foods in the Brickyard on Wednesdays from 11:00AM to 3:00PM.

Community Donations:
During Monday evenings, perishable and non-perishable food is distributed on campus.

Contact: Text 919-888-8762

Housing Kitchens:
Most residence halls have a community kitchen and cookware available for check-out at the info desks.

Housing Resources

Temporary and Emergency Housing:
Currently two residential spaces are available to those needing emergency housing for 2-3 nights.

Contact: Katrina Pawvluk at 919-515-4339 or

Break Housing:
TRiO provides temporary housing for students who are foster care youth and students who are currently or were formerly homeless youth.

General Resources

TRIO Student Support Services (SSS):
This program is dedicated to helping under-resourced undergraduate students complete their college degree. They provide academic and professional coaching, development opportunities, resource referrals and financial literacy education.

Location: 204 Park Shops
Contact: or 919-513-7774
Program application and requirements at

Wolfpack Styled Professional Clothing Closet:
NC State’s Career Development Center provides donated professional clothing to the Wolfpack for no charge.

Location: 2100 Pullen Hall
Donations taken Mondays through Fridays from 8:00AM to 5:00PM. Can also contact 919-515-2300.


*Editor’s Note: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that all students in TRiO Programs are eligible for housing over break.