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Letter To The Editor: SAAC’s Offical Response to Current Events

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As the Society of Afrikan American Culture, advocating for the Black community at NC State, we would like to offer our sympathy to the families and friends of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, Sean Reed, and countless others who have been taken by the hands of police brutality and racial discrimination. We would also like to offer our solidarity to those protesting for justice in Minneapolis, Louisville, and other cities across the nation.

Black people in the United States deserve more than survival. We deserve better than the long history and current acts of violence and brutalization against us from law enforcement agencies and other groups founded in white supremacy. We deserve equity and justice within this country, and we, the Black community at NC State, deserve to know that our university supports us. Our university needs to understand and recognize how racism is reproduced through their silence.Therefore, we call upon the North Carolina State University administration to make a statement condemning white supremacy and racial injustice. We also demand that the university responds with the ways that they are currently supporting the community. This institution must show that they value the Black community that populates its campus and pays for its educational services; this includes all Black students, undergraduate and graduate, faculty, and staff. Fighting against injustice through the means of donations and transparency in how the university approaches racial inequalities against Black people is necessary in times like this. North Carolina State University has a long history of neglecting the needs of the Black community on its campus. Do not let history repeat itself, take a stand.

As an organization that represents and advocates for Black people at NC State, we are going to be linking some resources below for Black students to connect to for mental health support.

Also linked below are resources for people who would like to get involved by donating to bail funds for protestors.

In Solidarity and Blackness,

Society of Afrikan American Culture

Black Mental Health Resources

Black Virtual Therapist Network –

National Suicide Prevention Hotline –

National Youth Crisis Hotline – 1-800-448-4663

A Catalogue of Resources for Seeking Help –

Links for Donations

Black Visions Collective –

Brooklyn Community Bail Fund –

Louisville Community Bail Fund –

Baltimore Community Bail Fund-

Raleigh – Durham Community Bail Fund –

Donations to Chapel Hill Protestors –

Memphis Community Bail Fund –

Atlanta Community Bail Fund –

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As the Society of Afrikan American Culture, advocating for the Black community at NC State, we would like to offer our sympathy to the families and friends of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, Sean Reed, and countless others who have been taken by the hands of police brutality and racial discrimination. We would also like to offer our solidarity to those protesting for justice in Minneapolis, Louisville, and other cities across the nation.

Black people in the United States deserve more than survival. We deserve better than the long history and current acts of violence and brutalization against us from law enforcement agencies and other groups founded in white supremacy. We deserve equity and justice within this country, and we, the Black community at NC State, deserve to know that our university supports us. Our university needs to understand and recognize how racism is reproduced through their silence.Therefore, we call upon the North Carolina State University administration to make a statement condemning white supremacy and racial injustice. We also demand that the university responds with the ways that they are currently supporting the community. This institution must show that they value the Black community that populates its campus and pays for its educational services; this includes all Black students, undergraduate and graduate, faculty, and staff. Fighting against injustice through the means of donations and transparency in how the university approaches racial inequalities against Black people is necessary in times like this. North Carolina State University has a long history of neglecting the needs of the Black community on its campus. Do not let history repeat itself, take a stand.

As an organization that represents and advocates for Black people at NC State, we are going to be linking some resources below for Black students to connect to for mental health support.

Also linked below are resources for people who would like to get involved by donating to bail funds for protestors.

In Solidarity and Blackness,

Society of Afrikan American Culture

Black Mental Health Resources

Black Virtual Therapist Network –

National Suicide Prevention Hotline –

National Youth Crisis Hotline – 1-800-448-4663

A Catalogue of Resources for Seeking Help –

Links for Donations

Black Visions Collective –

Brooklyn Community Bail Fund –

Louisville Community Bail Fund –

Baltimore Community Bail Fund-

Raleigh – Durham Community Bail Fund –

Donations to Chapel Hill Protestors –

Memphis Community Bail Fund –

Atlanta Community Bail Fund –
