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What Exactly Is Going On? COVID-19 Related Refunds

There have been several posts, discussions, and petitions regarding the refunding of tuition, fees, and housing in the case that campus closes due to COVID-19. We will continue to update if anything changes. Here’s what we know so far: 


Tuition and Fees: In-Person Or Not, No Refunds


Some or all instructional formats for all or part of the 2020-21 academic year may change due to the public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As has always been the case, tuition and fees are charged at the beginning of the semester and will remain in place regardless of any changes in instructional format. Tuition and fees will not be refunded in the event that instructional format changes for any part of the 2020-21 academic year.”

Tuition and Fees Homepage:


Housing: Yes To Refunds (June 24, 11:09 AM Update)

From Donna McGalliard, Executive Director for University Housing: 


University Housing wanted to share information regarding a recent Change.Org petition that is circulating regarding housing addendums in the State System.  It can be found here: petition regarding the 20-21 housing contract and the refund (or no refund) clause.  Please note that this language is what a few UNC System schools released in their housing addendum recently.  THIS IS NOT WHAT THE NC STATE UNIVERSITY HOUSING ADDENDUM STATES.


The NC State University Housing addendum reads as follows below. This is copied from the email that was sent to all NC State students with a housing agreement on June 1.  The full email can be found on the University Housing website.

A new provision has been added, which reads as follows:

  1. COVID-19

NC State and resident acknowledge the ongoing possibility of restrictions for on-campus housing due to the COVID-19 virus.  Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, NC State may adjust the agreement schedules contained in Section 3.5 or temporarily close housing facilities as necessary in NC State’s sole discretion to preserve the health and safety of residents and the campus community.  NC State’s total liability in such cases shall be limited to issuing pro rata refunds or credits for such periods that residents are prohibited from residing in university housing unless otherwise directed by the UNC System. In the event NC State requires resident to vacate university housing, resident will be responsible for removing all valuable personal items at that time. In certain circumstances, NC State may remove possessions and/or furnishings from housing units in order for those units to be used for other emergency purposes. NC State will not be responsible for loss or damage to resident’s personal items that must be moved and stored in such instances.”

Full Housing Agreement: