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2021 In Your Words

2020. A year that brought a whirlwind of unwelcome memories. From the pandemic swiftly capturing the lives of many Americans, young and old, to the saddened deaths of many African Americans at the hands of police, to a demanding yet groundbreaking election. It seemed that 2020 made us really question the good in this world. 

With that, feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness, and a constant state of incompletion have probably filled our minds. The limitation of not being able to accomplish what you had in mind for the year can seem frustrating. 

I guess the one thing we learned is that life has a mind of its own. We want one thing, but it has a way of teaching us another, in this case, showing us the selfish attitudes and actions of powerful people. 

But besides that, what did 2020 reveal about you that is necessary for your personal growth? 

For me, 2020 taught me how to properly take care of myself. Before the pandemic hit, I was constantly on the move. Between school, clubs, and my leader responsibilities, I never took a second to care for my well-being and take time to prioritize what I really wanted out of this life. I was just going with the flow, going with the speed of the world and conforming my goals to society’s expectations. It wasn’t until quarantine started, I realized how exhausted I was, physically and mentally. I was tired of conforming my life to ideas that didn’t really define me, only a carbon copy version. 

In this generation, there has always been the idea of only getting one chance a year to do things right before trying again the following year, which invokes unneeded fear for many and causing them to overthink decisions and limit their potential.

One thing to remember is that it is the determination to continue despite difficulties that matter. 

Many people are already dedicating 2021 to achieving everything they lost in 2020, (myself included) whether it’s exercising more, removing procrastination, applying to opportunities and more. But it’s also important to just breathe.

Don’t apply unnecessary pressure to achieve perfection. Set some time to rejuvenate. Step away from your comfort zone and rediscover yourself. Be open and honest to yourself about the things you want to do that will bring true happiness. 

As we are in a new year and begin the spring semester, reevaluate your thoughts, goals, and aspirations to reflect your 2021 vision.