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Elikem’s Corner: Token

I am Black 

365 days out of the year

Sometimes even 366.

7 days a week, 

24 hours a day.

In the classroom,

In the car,

In the office, 

In the gym,

And In every single space in between. 


My Blackness extends beyond your 28 days so forgive me for not wanting to be your token 

I am not your prize

To be tucked away until you’re ready to dust me off 

Pulling me out when it’s convenient to listen to my voice 

Showcasing me to the masses to “prove” that I exist

Gag is I have always existed 

I was born Black and I will die Black

And the time in between is something that you’ll never be able to take from me

Because all I gotta do is stay Black and die. 


I am everything that these obronis want to be 

I am the blueprint, the original copy

Often imitated but never successfully replicated 

Filled with proverbs and expressions

Like the great philosopher, Flo Milli, once said “I like cash and my hair to my a**”

And quite frankly that’s all I’ve ever really wanted 

All I’ve ever wanted was to be carefree

All I ever wanted was to be Black