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The Soul Social

On Wednesday April 5, during NC State’s 51st Pan-Afrikan week, NCSU’s Black Student Board (BSB) held The Soul Social featuring bubbles, vision boards, yoga, plants and much more. With the best of the 2000s blasting, students lined up at the food trucks and with smiles everywhere, The Soul Social was a hit giving students a chance to unwind and destress on a hot Wednesday evening. 

Attendees were given a wide array of activities to unwind– relaxing yoga, herb planting, embroidery, vision board making and creating home-made beauty remedies. The yoga, led by professionals in a more recluse area of the event to foster a quiet soothing environment. The at home beauty bar had a plethora of different scents and oils for DIY lip scrubs and hair oils.

Nubian Message spoke with an attendee of the event, speaking with Emily Jackson a second-year student majoring in Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology. Nubian Message also had the chance to speak with Mya Williams, a second-year majoring in Psychology who was the coordinator and one of the facilitators of the event. 


Nubian Message: Do you think NC State should implement more events like this throughout the year? 


Emily Jackson: Absolutely. I really like going to events like this but often I miss out on them if I have class, club meetings or work, so having more events would give me and other students more opportunities to actually participate in events like this.


Mya Williams: I think we’re doing a better job of having more wellness events here at NC State. I will say that we should keep pushing for more to make sure our whole community here at State is being catered to. 


NM: Are there any activities here that you will implement in your routine? Are there any that you already do? If so , which ones? 


EJ: I would really like to do yoga more often. I can’t always make it to the classes over in Carmichael but when I do I really enjoy it. 


NM: What can NC State do to better your mental and physical health\help you manage your self care? 


EJ: I really wish it was easier to get in contact with the counseling center. Other students and myself usually have classes throughout the day and may not have time to call within its open hours. I also don’t like that you have to call the counseling center to get more information on any of their services. Calling can be pretty intimidating and anxiety-inducing, and that, along with not having much time to call during their open hours, has stopped me from getting in touch with the counseling center. 


MW: I think NC State is doing a better job, but pushing to make its resources more visible and accessible. A lot of times people aren’t aware of all of the resources they have at their fingertips, because they’re not talked about until it’s too late. I also think having professors/campus staff on the same page as the university. 


NM: What are some traditions or things that y’all have done in the past that you all brought into this year’s Pan-Af week? 


MW: With events this year, I feel like we paralleled a lot of our events. By this I mean for the Black Xperience Festival last year we had Soul Social which we crafted to fit this year’s theme, they were both outdoor events with activities and food trucks. Same for Sneaker Ball and Shades of Melanin Brunch. A catered event, with performances and a formal theme. 


NM: What are some new things y’all are bringing to this year’s Pan-Af week?


MW: For this year’s Pan-Af I think we wanted to formulate events that catered to our whole Black diaspora on campus. 


NM: What are some things y’all hope to incorporate for future pan-af? 


MW: I would be excited to possibly see a concert in BSB’s future. 


The Soul Social, like many of Pan-Af ’s other events, was a huge success. It was a great chance to enjoy the beautiful weather and get a break from the stresses of the semester.