Student Organizations Encourage Voter Registration
Chelsea Gardner | Managing Editor
With Oct. 12, the last day to register to vote quickly approaching, voter registration is high on the priority lists for various organizations on campus. This also explains why when walking through the Brickyard, N.C. State students are asked the question, “Are you registered to vote?” multiple times a day.
In an effort to increase voter turnout, N.C. State’s chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples (NAACP) has several upcoming projects and ideas.
On Tuesday, the organization gave out information on voter registration to all current and prospective members. For Aleiah Miller, President of the N.C. State Chapter of the NAACP, the goal is to make sure that every student has an opportunity to register at the first general body meeting, Tuesday, Sep. 4.
“It is vital that all students register to vote, because it is our duty to ensure that our voice is heard on a political front. Over the course of the last four years, our generation has been evolving politically in a global nature. From the 2008 Presidential Election in the United States, to the 2011 Revolution in Cairo, we clearly have the power to evoke change, but the only way for us to preserve our progression is by staying knowledgeable and utilizing the polls every chance we get,” said Miller.
“The ultimate goal of voter registration and voting in general, is to make sure we maintain ‘…liberty and justice for all’. With the forefront of this election, it is imperative that everyone who can, does vote,” said Miller.
Rashaad Hamilton, a sophomore majoring in Political Science, agrees. As an active member in College Democrats of N.C. State and Obama for America, his face is familiar one, and can be seen Monday through Friday in the brickyard. “The youth vote is at the top of the list for importance. A chief factor in the upcoming election will be the African-American vote, especially in our district,” said Hamilton.
Like the NAACP, many organizations find it necessary to keep people informed and aware on campus. Shaquila Jones, a sophomore majoring in Political Science, is hoping encouragement will increase voter turnout in this year’s election. As Vice President of College Democrats of N.C. State, she knows firsthand how critical voter registration is for this election.
“To make a difference, like in 2008, voter registration should inform the misinformed and captivate all young adults eligible to vote,” said Jones.
Alex Parker, President of Students for Obama is also very prepared and ready to work this semester. “Students for Barack Obama will be working to help educate students about their right to vote and help them vote at Talley Student Center during the Early Voting period,” said Parker.
Though many students are registered to vote in their home counties, Parker said, “We are encouraging people to register to vote in Wake County, making sure their registration is up to date and getting out to vote at Talley! We are going to go student group to student group making speeches about the importance of voting and how to vote.”
Many of the Greek organizations on campus are also taking a role in helping with voter registration and keeping their peers prepared for Nov. 6th.
“Many, of our organizations have involved themselves and plan to still actively be involved in getting African-American students registered to vote while also trying to get them educated,” said Braxton Jackson, President of N.C. State’s National Pan-Hellenic Council. With the Gallup polls currently showing Barack Obama and Mitt Romney at a tie of 46 percent (state population), it is clear that this election is certainly going to be an interesting one.
There are a variety of ways for N.C. State students to stay politically involved and aware this fall semester. With this in mind, students can expect to see more information on programs and events in the coming weeks.
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