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Truuu Life: I Love 2 Chainz, But I’ll Never Self- Mutilate For Him

Kali Scurlock | Staff Writer 198032_3931964349687_160526150_n-1

It’s no secret that my favorite rapper is 2 CHAINZ! It’s also no secret that I am not a morning person, but every morning I listen to 2 Chaniz to get me hype and also to get my day going. Honestly, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t quote his lyrics. I’ve seen him in concert three times and I’ve met him once. I have two copies of his album, two 2 Chainz t-shirts, and several other 2 Chainz memorabilia pieces. I even dressed up as him for Halloween. It’s safe to say I’m a little 2 Chainz crazy.

If you can believe it, my infatuation with 2 Chainz doesn’t end here. I follow 2 Chainz on Twitter. Twitter is also where I learned that Justin Beiber fans were cutting themselves because of allegations that Beiber had been pictured smoking marijuna.

Like others I was outraged by this foolery. Self-cutting is not a joke and it shouldn’t be treated as a laughing matter when there are countless people in the world who have mental issues and harm themselves.

Things like this have happened in the world of white fandom numerous times before and I’m sure it will continue to happen as new artists emerge and fans find crazy ways to prove their loyalty to those artists.

Black fans aren’t known to do drastic things to prove they are loyal fans. We know doing something outrageous doesn’t prove loyalty, because isn’t buying albums, t-shirts and going to concerts enough to prove you are a loyal supporter?

I might be 2 Chainz’s biggest fan but there is no way I would cut myself for him. I don’t have to prove my love for 2 Chainz by hurting myself.  You don’t hear about things like this happening in the world of black fandom because black people aren’t going to do something as stupid as harming themself for someone famous that they will never even know.

There are never hashtags such as “#CutForWayne” or “#GoBaldForRoss” because such drastic displays of loyalty are not necessary in the black world of fandom.