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Throwing Like A Girl

N.C. State Track and Field Athlete Breaks Record 

Alfred Anderson | Staff Writer

Earlier this month, at the NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championships, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Nicole Chavis set a new school record for the indoor weight throw with a throw of 69’08.00”. Chavis, a N.C. State sophomore broke the record she set just two weeks prior at the ACC Indoor Track and Field Championships.

Chavis’ sixth place finish is the highest finish ever by a N.C. State student athlete in the indoor weight throw. As a result, Chavis was named a first-team All-American, becoming the first student-athlete in program history to earn such honors.

Chavis, who has two majors: Criminology and Anthropology and two minors: Forensics and Political Science, looks forward to continuing her success this spring during the outdoor track and field season in which she will participate in both the hammer throw and the discus throw. As far as the future goes, Chavis has not ruled out participating in the Olympics. Though “I’m not currently training for the Olympics, but I would love the chance to represent the Wolfpack at the most competitive level that there is and to represent my Country if the chance presented itself, “ said Chavis. “Anything is possible.”

Nubian Message: When did you begin to participate in track and field?  

Chavis: I began to participate in track my freshman year of high school, about 7 years ago. I was a 3 sport athlete in middle school (volleyball, basketball and softball) and planned to do those three in high school as well. After basketball season I was going to try out for softball but most of my teammates were trying out on the track team and talked me into trying out for track; so I did, I was rough around the edges but a natural.

NM: To what do you attribute all of your success and accomplishments? 

Chavis: I owe all of my success to God foremost, my parents, coach, teammates and my work ethic. My parents have always pushed me to do things that were beneficial, especially my education. My parents laid the rules out in middle school, [they told me] “School first, sports second; if we see your grades slipping, sports would become a thing of the past.” So before a basketball, volleyball, or a throwing instrument was touch school work was done! My coaches and teammates are a great support system also, they’ve believed in me at times when I couldn’t believe in myself, and we all push each other to do better. My work ethic is the only thing that I can say I credit myself for; every second of everyday of my life is accounted for. Not only am I on the track team, I picked up another major and two minors and I have three jobs. So my work ethic has been a major part of my life, time management is key.

NM: What made you decide to attend N.C. State? 

Chavis: I decided to attend N.C. State because of the official visit that I had back in my senior year of high school. Everyone was so welcoming, the school had the major I wanted and [North Carolina] was one of my top choices. I came and saw the team dynamic and the throwers made me feel especially welcome to join them in pursing my collegiate career, their throwing distances were a plus also! Staying close to home and my parents’ opinion was a factor in my decision as well.

NM: How was your trip to Albuquerque, N.M. for the NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championships? 

Chavis: Besides the jet lag, my trip to New Mexico was great. I got to experience different cultures and explore a great state. I also enjoyed throwing in the National level with great athletes, you have to throw well to not be embarrassed and represent your school.

NM: How did it feel to become the first student-athlete at N.C. State to be named a NCAA first team All-American in the indoor weight throw? 

Chavis: It feels great to become the first student-athlete at N.C. State to be named a NCAA first team All-American in the indoor weight throw. Honestly I didn’t know of the accomplishment until the media coordinator of NCSU athletics told me this, I was/am very proud of myself, and hope to not only go back to Nationals but to place higher than I did this year.

NM: You set an N.C. State record for the Indoor Weight Throw during the ACC Conference Championships (68’ 8.75”). Were you surprised that just two weeks later, during the NCAA Championships, you set another record (69’08.00”), breaking the one that you previously set? 

Chavis: I was really surprised to have broken my record again. I wanted to PR (to get a new personal record) at this meet especially because it was Nationals. When I let the weight go in the throw that broke my record again, it felt horrible, like I missed so many of my spots in the turn, and almost scratched it until I heard my teammate (Trem) yelling and my coach (Wood) saying “Go out the back!” I almost scratched the best throw of my life.