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New Website Aims to Impact Student Success at NC State

Davante Falls | Staff Writer

The Division of Academic and Student Affairs and the Office of International Affairs have teamed up to launch a new website aimed at helping students excel outside of the classroom.

The new website, was created in order to promote high impact opportunities for students at N.C. State. The site serves as tool for students to learn about high impact practices such as, service-learning, study abroad, residential living, learning villages and undergraduate research, all of which have been shown to be important beneficiaries in the success of many students.

Though it may not be a name many students are familiar with, DASA houses all student organizations on campus including Student Government, UAB, Student Media. The Office of International Affairs consists of such departments as Study Abroad.

“We know that when our students are engaged with these experiences early on in their college career, they are more likely to make better grades and have higher retention rates,” said Mike Giancola, N.C. State’s Associate Vice Provost for Student Leadership and Engagement. “This site will help students connect with these opportunities, and leave N.C. State prepared for a successful career.” Giancola is no stranger to student engagement in the field of service and leadership, having served as the Director of the Center for Student Leadership Ethics and Public Service, also known as CSLEPS.

Danielle Beysolow, a senior in Psychology and the 2013 Pan Afrikan Queen, is one of the many N.C. State students to benefit from CSLEPS. “Of all the extra – curricular activities that I have been involved in, I would say that my ASB (Alternative Spring Break) trip with CSLEPS has had the most impact on me as a student,” said Beysolow. “Not only did it help shape my view on the world, but it also gave me an outlook on what I actually have a passion for.” Beysolow has participated in several high-impact opportunities while at N.C. State including, service leadership, internships, and study abroad.