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When Life Gives You Lemons…

This unsigned editorial is the opinion of the Nubian Message’s editorial board, and is the responsibility of the editor-in-chief. 

 On Wednesday evening, a press release was issued announcing that due to safety concerns, the Pan Afrikan Concert is cancelled. As was to be expected, within minutes of the release, Twitter was abuzz with people expressing their disbelief and frustration with the news. Though students’ annoyance with the last minute cancellation is understood, no matter how bad the timing, so too is the University’s decision to pull the plug on the concert.

Safety of students is always top priority for campus administration and given the danger imposed upon the members of the group, we can understand why members of N.C. State’s campus administration did not want to risk proceeding with the concert. Though we don’t feel that the cancellation of the concert was a display of disregard for diversity on campus, those who feel that way are entitled to do so.

Those individuals are also entitled to exercise their right to speak out against things they feel are wrong and unjust, and we always support students in that regard. However, in the last few days of Pan Afrikan 2014, we are also advocates for making the best out of a less than ideal situation. It is important that we do not allow the cancellation of the concert to put a damper on the rest of Pan Afrikan 2014. There are so many more Pan Afrikan events that deserve our attention and support, so don’t let this stop the rest of the week.

If you personally feel that campus administration’s decision was unwarranted, let it be known, but don’t spend the next three days harping on it. There is a saying that goes,  “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Now that we’ve been handed a lemon, who’s ready to make lemonade?