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Rushmore Drive: Website offers search results and viewpoints specific to the black community

Have you heard about Rushmore Drive? If you’re technology savvy you’ve  probably not only heard about the site, but have it as one of your favorites and use it regularly. If you’re like me however and are a little behind on the latest web sites, you’re missing out on a valuable tool.
Rushmore Drive is a website with a search engine that not only provides regular “mainstream” results like Google and Yahoo!, but also offers another list of results pertaining to the black community. However, this site is much more than a search engine. It has other useful features such as the job networks feature, latest news, features, and an Our Views section.
Latest news gives you the rundown on top news stories as well as business, entertainment, health, politics, science, sports, in addition to national and world news. This information pulls from news sites all over the web in one convenient site.
The Rushmore Drive Detour is a collection of articles written and compiled by various African American contributors on issues affecting the nation and world. One of the contributors and an editorial assistant with the site happens to be former Nubian Message editor-in-chief and NC State alum, Keitris Weathersbe. It is full of opinions and viewpoints spanning subjects such as politics or election 08, race and racism, sex and relationships, family and religion, money, health, entertainment, national issues, and sports. This portion of the site is very interesting, packed with thought provoking insights about issues affecting the world today.
There’s also the Daily Drive blog which gives web browsers a chance to read the views of Rushmore Drive pertaining to issues in the black community giving readers a chance to respond as well. This is a much more interactive approach.
The job networks page is an excellent way to network. Users can connect with each other based on work interests and even leave each other recommendations so employers can see what other people think of you personally and professionally. Rushmore Drive can find available jobs for you, though it’s your responsibility to actually get hired, based on your skills and interests. You can also create what is called a professional profile. The profile allows you to select your availability as well as upload your resume. The tags feature allows you to list one word descriptions of the skills you have such as sales, programming design and etc. You can also select and display a variety of associations including your professional, faith based and even Greek affiliations to appear on your profile to allow you to network with people with similar affiliations and possibly increase your chances of getting the job you want.
Users are also able to add links to their personal web page or blog to display on their profile. The last of the features offered on the professional profile is the My Video feature. Although it only supports videos hosted on YouTube, this feature can give potential employers a chance to really “see” what you can do. If you have any skill that benefits employers most to see you in action, the video tool can really work to your advantage.
Overall, I found this site to be very interesting and easy to navigate. I recommend that if you haven’t already, go ahead and check out Rushmore Drive at