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Multicultural Greek Council Embraces All

Stephanie Tate| Editor-in-Chief

In an effort to promote inclusiveness in the fraternal community the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) serves as the governing body for a diverse group of sororities and fraternities at NC State. The sororities include: Alpha Pi Omega, Alpha Phi Gamma, Kappa Phi Lambda, Lambda Pi Chi, Lambda Theta Alpha and Theta Nu Xi. The fraternities include: Delta Sigma Iota, Lambda Theta Phi, Phi Sigma Nu and Pi Alpha Phi.

While there are four councils under the office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Yerson Padilla a senior studying women and gender studies and the president of MGC, says “each council is very different.” Among the six sororities and four fraternities in MGC there are a variety of cultures and ethnic backgrounds represented. According to Padilla “MGC is different because we are culturally based. We have Native American, Latinx, Multicultural, South Asian and Asian interest organizations.”

The diversity of MGC organizations is also represented in their new member process. While some chapters do a formal rush, others do what is called intake. Padilla adds that “every chapter is highly interested in people who are dedicated to learn more about different cultures or their own.” According to the Fraternity and Sorority Life website some organizations will recruit new members throughout the semester and there is no registration fee required.

In addition to the many events hosted by the organizations within the council, the council itself puts on a number of events throughout the year to display their purpose. According to Padilla “MGC’s purpose is to foster a sense of identity and cultural awareness through our various culturally based organizations.”

Last year around MGC hosted a popular event called Culture is Not a Costume. Padilla says this event “highlighted cultural appropriation during Halloween and how problematic stereotypes are.”

While the Multicultural Greek Council hosts programs and events it also serves as a support system for students within the chapters that make up the council. Padilla says “we are a very close council. We all support one another, and a lot of us hang out and actually know each other. We serve as an extended family to the chapters that make a part of MGC.”

The biggest thing Padilla wants incoming students to know about MGC? “MGC is culturally based, but not exclusive to multicultural students. Anyone is welcome to join.”

Multicultural Greek Council prides itself on being supportive of its students. Padilla states “we are a safe space for people.”

More information about MGC can be found on the Fraternity and Sorority Life website or in their office on the fifth floor of Talley Student Union.