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Letter from the editor

Hey family,

Yesterday on November 10th, a Nubian Message staff writer found a white supremacist flyer in one of our newsstands. The websites listed on the flyer used derogatory language to describe black, Muslim and Jewish people. The flyers were posted around campus prior to them appearing in our newsstand but to whoever felt it necessary to put the flyer in our newsstand: I received your message, now here is mine.

The Nubian Message staff is full of some of the hardest working people I know. We do our best to provide a voice to marginalized groups and provide the NC State community with good journalism. We do all of this while still being full time students and being involved in a host of other things. I’m overprotective of my staff because they are my family and I’m aware of the sacrifices they make to provide this university with great content.

I am not sorry that our journalism offends you. I will not apologize for our quality coverage of the diverse perspectives of our campus community. While we still have a long way to go, we make an effort to be intersectional and inclusive. If you cannot see that effort, I dare say you are the one being exclusive and hateful not “the media.” We have stories to tell and we will continue doing so. If you have a problem with that, then so be it. However, it’s imperative that you know we are a part of a community and we won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.


Stephanie Tate