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Letter from the Editor

Hey family,

Happy 2017! I hope that your return to campus and the new year has you feeling as rejuvenated as the Nubian staff is. Recently our President-elect has made it a point to attack credible news organizations and deem them “fake news.” In a time where fake news is a hot topic, I can promise you one thing: the Nubian Message is dedicated to providing you with quality coverage of the diverse happenings of NC State. NC State University is comprised of people from all backgrounds and it is our responsibility to report on those people. It is the responsibility of the Nubian Message to give you real news. While we exist to keep you all informed we also exist to hold everyone on this campus accountable. With that being said, we cannot hold you accountable if you do not hold us accountable. Send us any tips, questions, comments or concerns you may have and we promise to get back to you. We will be having interest meetings in the coming weeks and we would love to see some fresh faces. The Nubian Message staff strives to be an integral part of your experience at NC State and we hope to hear from you soon.


Much love,
