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Staff Editorial: The Nubian Message endorses Gonzalez and Connell for SBP & SBVP

Nubian Staff

The Nubian staff is proud to endorse Jackie Gonzalez and Mia Connell for Student Body President and Vice President. Both have a strong background within Student Government and are committed to making positive changes at NC State. Jackie Gonzalez is studying political science and serves as a College of Humanities and Social Science student senator.  Mia Connell is studying sociology and has served as a student senator since her first year at NC State.  

Their platform shows that they are in tune with student concerns, especially with respect to sustainability, diversity, ending sexual assault on campus, and supporting mental health.  Notably, this is the first time that the two candidates for student body president and vice president are both women of color.

Unlike their opponents, who have limited experience in Student Government, Gonzalez and Connell have a record of getting things done including writing and co-sponsoring bills such as the Missouri Solidarity Act, House Bill 2 Response Act, Vote On-Campus Act, the Renewable Electricity Act, and the Delaney Robinson Solidarity Act.

Gonzalez was also the only presidential candidate that reached out to the Nubian Message. Which definitely resonated with our staff.

Gonzalez and Connell are willing to take on fights that improve life for all NC State students such as increased minimum wage for student employees, ending RAVE’s monopoly on catering, excused absences for voting as well as increased access to Title IX information and sexual assault reporting options.

While we recognize Jackie and Mia are not perfect, we feel as though their commitment to students and their experience in student government is unparalleled in this election.

All fee-paying students, including graduate and international students, can vote in the runoff election on Thursday, Mar. 2 from 8a.m. until 8p.m. at