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Don’t Stop

So you’ve come to this point in a journey
That seems to last forever.
Don’t stop.
You have overcome many obstacles
And you see some still ahead.
Don’t stop.
You have struggled and struggled and struggled.
Don’t stop.
You have had to make difficult decisions
That have affected not only yourself,
But also people you hold dear.
Don’t stop.
In your journey, you have dealt with friends
And you have dealt with even more enemies.
Don’t stop.
You have had to come to grips with hard-hitting truths
During the times you thought
You were facing a breaking-point.
Don’t stop.
There were times when you felt like giving up
Because some of those truths made you realize
You still have a lot of growing up to do.
While you try to wrap your mind around that one,
Don’t stop.
There were times when you felt like giving up
Because of a bunch of lies that sounded true to you,
But you know that you know that they are not so.
Don’t stop.
You have met with successes and you have met with failures.
Don’t stop.
The thing you have loved so much
That was once within your reach is now gone.
Don’t stop.
The person you have loved so much
Who was once within your reach is now gone.
Don’t stop.
There are questions you have that are still unaswered.
Don’t stop.
You are wondering, “what is supposed to happen next in my life?”
Hold on to faith in God, obey Him, and
Don’t stop.
All this “stuff” is going on and you just want
To scream, “Why?!?!”
Don’t stop.
So you’ve come to this point in a journey
That seems to last forever.
Don’t worry, it doesn’t last forever.
God has your destiny in His hands and trust me,
If you don’t give up, He’ll see you through.
So please, don’t stop.