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Pass The Mic: Call to Action, DACA Student Speaks Out

This article has been submitted anonymously. 

Obama passed it in 2012, the executive action. He took the matter into his own hands to help a certain population of undocumented people go for the American Dream. We were given a work permit so we could get a social security number and a license. And if you don’t know what kind of struggle it is with that, you’re lucky. You can’t do anything without a social security number.

I was able to get a bank account, a car, and go to college. The path to higher education is difficult without DACA. Not only was it helpful to get a work permit to sustain myself and my family, I was also able to pay for books, tuition, and rent. I attended a private institution that was looking for undocumented students. They offered money to give us the opportunity to seek higher education and support our families, so the fact that the government wants to take that away from us hurts. It’s like they gave us a chance at the American Dream, and then just snatched it away like, “Just kidding. We want to deport all of you.” It’s not fair.

There’s things we can’t do. I don’t feel comfortable protesting. Not on the streets or anywhere. I don’t want to get arrested; I don’t want to get anything on my record. I don’t like speaking out about it publicly, because there are people who are opposed and would try to get me deported.

I’ve been here for twenty years. I didn’t know I was a DACA recipient until I was seventeen. I moved here from South America when I was two and a half. My parents hopped on a plane, legally, and decided to come to America knowing they would never go back. There’s no resources, no bread, no food, no anything. I don’t know any of my family members who live there. I would be going back to a very foreign country I just don’t have any recall of.

It’s the same situation for 800,000 other undocumented people. They’re not all students and they are not all working, but they have a right to be here. We’re contributing to the economy and we are doing all we can to better the society. It doesn’t make sense why I can’t benefit from that just as much as my peers who are doing the same amount of work as I am. It sucks.

I worry about my parents. I don’t want anyone to know what my parents are going through, what happened to them and why they’re seen as criminals for coming in and overstaying their visa. It shouldn’t matter. They’re paying taxes, just like you. They’ve done it so I don’t have to worry, and I respect that now more than ever.

We don’t like talking about politics, but now–more than ever–we have to. Not just immigration, but BlackLivesMatter, the Muslim ban and all the horrific things going on in this country. We have to address them–and we have to address them head on. Other than calling and texting, you need to educate others and make everyone realize how terrible the DACA repeal is.

Speak out and use your privilege, like the privilege that you have of voting, whenever that comes. That’s one thing that I can’t do–vote. Just really educate yourself on who to vote for, who’s for DACA and immigration rights.

To the 800,000 DACA students: Use your voice. Right now, it’s time to educate yourselves, and with all the information that you gather, you can educate your friends. I made a PowerPoint for my friends. If you want, post it on Instagram, Twitter. You can even change your name on Twitter to #DefendDACA.

I would just like to thank people for the overwhelming support that myself and others have received. This just happened, but the amount of people that are ready to support me and walk for me and vote for me is overwhelming. I don’t know how else to put it in words, but I will be forever thankful for all the things you guys are doing.

Excuse my language, but we are just tired of all this shit that’s happening. Someone sitting next to you could be on DACA and just not say anything because they are afraid to speak out. It sucks, not only mentally and physically, but we are kind of hopeless right now. We know that change is going to come, but we can’t do it on our own.