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Something needs to change

Tuesday night, a new chapter was added to our history books.  In the 231 years of the United States of America, we, the United States of America elected our first Black President. Millions of people around the world celebrated.  At N.C. State, after a night of parties, celebration, and tears of joy, we woke the next morning to a rude awakening.

Wednesday morning, the director of Multicultural Student Affairs, Tracey Ray discovered writing on the freedom expression tunnel threatening the lives of blacks.  This writing had confederate flags as well as a sign that read “Let’s shoot that nigger in the head.”  These drawings were quickly painted over and instead the Student Leaders’ Response to Hate Speech was posted.

Over the past few days there have been several meetings with student leaders on campus as well as with faculty and administration about how to deal with the recent events on campus.  The identity of the students who did this is known to the University, yet their names have not been released.  No one is aware of any disciplinary action that has been or will be taken.

Rev. Dr. William Barber, the president of the North Carolina Chapter of the Nation Association for the Advancement of Colored People was called in on Saturday night to discuss with various student leaders the severity of the situation and what actions can be taken.

This is not an issue of white vs. black, but more of an issue of equality and safety. Many students we not surprised by the racist actions, but were surprised at the university’s response.  Some expressed a concern with the University not releasing the names of the students to the public.  “I should not have to sit in class and wonder if I am sitting next to the person who wrote those statements”, expressed Candace Lee, a senior in Business Management.  A lot of the students felt the University should have anticipated such events, as they did, and have been proactive in the situation.  Their concern is not that the President Elect, Barak Obama  will be endanger, but that racist students will take out their anger on black students on campus. Scott McGregor, a senior in Computer Sciences feels that the children who come to N.C. States campus daily are much in danger and something needs to be done to protect us as well as them.

Student Body President, Jay Dawkins pointed out that the University may be cautious in releasing names because of potential danger to the safety of the students and retaliation by others.  As Amexia Harris, a senior in Mechanical Engineering pointed out “What about my safety?”  Many African American students no longer feel safe on campus even walking back from a night class during the week.  They feel that hatred is being tolerated by a University that prides its self on its “diversity”.  Dr. Barber stated that in the history of our country, there has been no record of blacks retaliating violently, yet that cannot be said for whites.

Last semester, there was a noose found on campus, at the beginning of this school year there was a situation with a potential Klu Klux Klan meeting.  Last week there was a physical threat on someone’s life. At what point will this school take action.  Does it have to take violence for the administration to realize that this is no longer a harmless prank?

At his acceptance speech, Barack Obama stated “This victory alone is not the change we seek. It is only the chance for us to make that change.”  And change is what we need.  In the country, in this University, in our communities, and in the mind sets of though who do not think that is it acceptable to have a darker shade of skin.

N.C. State needs to take action. The student leaders on campus are prepared to do whatever needs to be done to make sure that there is a change on this campus.  If nothing is done right now, it may be too late.