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Feb 24, 2021

Elikem’s Corner: I Hope

I loved you so much  And I hope that you can take my love with you  I hope that you can take all of the memories All of the laughs and joy All of the hugs and dances All of the late night convos and quarter life crises   I hope that you know that…

Feb 10, 2021

Elikem’s Corner: Free

I am constantly counting down the days until I am free Arbitrary dates scattered throughout eternity  Truth be told, freedom is never coming  It isn’t meant for me  It isn’t meant for weak, broken, weary souls like mine  If freedom can be acquired through death then I pray that my time comes soon  I am…

Feb 3, 2021

Elikem’s Corner: Many Pieces

I know I am not broken But I still feel shattered, ripped, and scattered  I am still exhausted from trying to piece everything together  Trying to make sense of senseless actions and exclamations  Trying to make sense of the thoughts floating in me Trying to make sense of the scars and bruises  Trying to make…

Jan 27, 2021

Elikem’s Corner: Maybe, Just Maybe

They say pain makes us who we are But I don’t want to be my pain I don’t want to carry these burdens and scars placed on me I don’t want to carry this feeling forever This feeling that maybe Black girls like me do not deserve to be loved That maybe we do not…

Jan 6, 2021

Elikem’s Corner: Speak

Words, words, words They never quite seem to make the jump from my brain to my mouth The constant, running cycle The nauseating, dizzying, star inducing cycle Sometimes I can’t quite keep up Fatigue consuming my body whole Weakening my knees and dragging me to the ground    As I sink into the dirt, I…

Dec 16, 2020

Elikem’s Corner: So I Thank God For Time

I hoped and I prayed that time would bring you back to me  Bring us back to the way that things used to be  To the way things were before her and her and her and her and her  When all you wanted was me and only me  And I somehow managed to satisfy your…

Dec 2, 2020

Elikem’s Corner: Shattered

10/22: He broke me. and the one before him and the one before him I don’t know how to reverse my trauma I don’t know how to deal with it I’m tired of crying weeping until I have no breath left in my lungs feeling small, weak, insignificant. I don’t want my trauma to become…

Nov 18, 2020

Elikem’s Corner: Girl a, Girl b

There are two people: Girl A The girl who loves to talk Never ending chatter Comes with jokes and happiness Thinks that maybe one day she can do whatever she wants to do You can do whatever you put your mind to Loves her melanin Embraces her kinky hair Loves to shop Treats herself Knows…

Nov 11, 2020

Elikem’s Corner: Please Heal My Soul

I was 8. I was 18. I was 19.    The burdens and trauma that I carry are more than enough to last multiple lifetimes Lifetimes filled with darkness, heartache, and pain  Constantly wondering when it will finally end When I’ll finally be free of the misery holding me   I find myself wondering if…

Oct 28, 2020

Elikem’s Corner: Not My Own

My trauma is not my own  It transcends all regions, states, borders,  cultures and languages  My pain is in no way unique I’ve discovered that it’s shared by millions  Across all ages and genders  Somehow we all seem to have met the same end   You see, my body is not my own  And quite…

Oct 21, 2020

Elikem’s Corner: Sunset to sunrise 

Sunset to sunrise Can’t you see the lies within their eyes? They came to ruin our communities  Capital of the Black Middle Class, my a**   Is there still room for us? “Renovating” my grandmothers house We can’t afford to live here  Prices skyrocketing like we on a race to the moon  Shooting through our black…

Aug 28, 2020

Once Again, Black NCSU Students Are Subject To Racism On Campus

Elikem Dodor | Editor-in-Chief Time and time again, Black NC State students experience racism at a place they are supposed to be able to call home. Nubian Message was able to sit down with Farrah Waddell, a first-year Life Science student with the intent to major in Cellular Molecular and Developmental Biology. Within her first…