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Profile photo of Kenton Gibbs

Nov 15, 2017

Kenton’s Corner: Assault Isn’t A Party Problem

Kenton Gibbs | Staff Writer With the pervasiveness of sexual assault in Hollywood and elsewhere recently coming to light, there’s something I have to say. Sexual assault and interpersonal violence are not topics which should become split along party lines. I am one of those people that feels like most problems of our society can…

Profile photo of Kenton Gibbs

Oct 18, 2017

Kenton’s Corner: Protect Birth Control

Kenton Gibbs | Staff Writer Oh look, President Trump is at it again. I know I said I’d leave it alone, but for Christ’s sake it’s really getting out of hand. His latest repeal is to allow companies to not provide free birth control if it disagrees with their religious beliefs. It’s more than likely that…

Profile photo of Kenton Gibbs

Oct 4, 2017

Kenton’s Corner: #TakeAKnee

Kenton Gibbs | Staff Writer I am sick of so many aspects of the kneeling protest. If you have been under a rock for the last year and a half or so, I’ll catch you up. The NFL protests began last year when Colin Kaepernick sat during the national anthem to protest the mistreatment of black…

Profile photo of Kenton Gibbs

Sep 6, 2017

Kenton’s Corner: White Womanhood is Undefeated

Kenton Gibbs | Staff Writer Although the title may be inflammatory and lead one to believe that I’m unfairly criticizing or praising white women, neither is true. This instead is meant to be a criticism of American society and how often times, hundreds and even thousands of black lives being brutally taken doesn’t move the scale…