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Apr 25, 2024

No One is Free Until We’re All Free

Image from Creative Commons In recent years, the landscape of sociopolitical activism has only grown more intense, especially with the increased use of social media. Some movements have grown more prominent than others, shedding light on how individuals can come together to advocate for justice and human rights. Among these movements, the calls for a…

Apr 1, 2024

We Need to Talk About Haiti’s Crisis

The Republic of Haiti, a Caribbean nation with a rich history of French, African and Caribbean cultures, is currently in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. Nearly half of the Haitian population faces food insecurity, thousands have been victimized by armed gangs and poverty is running rampant. Haiti’s people are fleeing and their government is…

Apr 1, 2024

Bisan Owda

In light of the current conflict in Gaza, it is important to stay informed on the horrors that the Palestinian people have endured due to Israel’s various attacks and blockades. While Israel has made it incredibly difficult for Palestinians to use their voice, an incredibly courageous Palestinian woman has been working hard to do just…

Mar 26, 2024

All We Know About the Poe Hall Closure

Photo by Jeremy Byrne | Staff Photographer A sign on the doors marks the continued closure of Poe Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024. Poe Hall was closed in November 2023 due to the presence of environmental contaminants (PCBs). NC State University initiated the closure of Poe Hall, home to the College of Education and the Department…

Nov 16, 2023

Where’s The Budget for CHASS?

If you’re an NC State student, you’re likely well aware of how integral the STEM departments are to the university. The College of Engineering always has new additions, whether it be another building, classroom or career fair. There are also numerous additions to the science and mathematics programs. Every time there’s a new project on campus,…

Nov 2, 2023

NC State’s New Budget

Image From Creative Commons  At the beginning of October, the North Carolina General Assembly passed a new $30 billion budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year. Governor Roy Cooper announced that it would come into law without his signature. The budget wasn’t passed until three months after the 2022-23 fiscal year came to an end due…

Oct 19, 2023

Historic Flooding Soaks New York

Image From Creative Commons On Sept. 29, remnants from Tropical Storm Ophelia bombarded New York with a month’s worth of rain in just a few hours, resulting in significant flooding in New York and surrounding regions. Due to these extreme weather conditions, New York Governor, Kathy Hochul, called a state of emergency for all five…

Sep 28, 2023

Kunis and Kutcher Controversy

Image From Creative Commons  TW: Rape and Sexual Assault Unfortunately, celebrities frequently have a proclivity for defending or being complicit in sexually abusive and immoral behaviors. This is especially prominent within the film industry. It’s known within Hollywood that some directors, producers and actors have committed sexual crimes such as harassment, grooming and rape. Many…

Sep 18, 2023

Trump Faces Another Indictment

Image from Creative Commons On Aug. 15, former President Donald Trump faced an indictment regarding the case of the 2020 Georgia election rigging. Trump, along with 18 other co-defendants, face numerous charges for their involvement, with it totaling out to 135 against them all. The case is incredibly broad, including activity spanning from over two…

Aug 31, 2023

The Shade Room Problem

Image from Creative Commons News outlets, blogs and gossip sites are no strangers to causing controversy. Many have an obvious position on the political spectrum (i.e. Fox News, The Sun, The New York Post, The Daily Wire), others have reported blatant misinformation and some simply aren’t very accessible to the common consumer. News outlets on…

Jul 18, 2023

The 2023 BAC April Showcase

Photo by Ony Otiocha Unique Patton, a fourth-year design studies student, watches a performance at the Black Artist Coalition’s April Showcase held at Harris Field on Thursday, April 6, 2023. This event was held during Pan-Afrikan Week, which celebrates unifies students of the African diaspora. On Thursday, April 6, the Black Student Board (BSB) in…

Apr 11, 2023

Anti-Trans Bills Are Moving This Country Backwards

Image from Creative Commons The United States of America, the proclaimed “land of the free,” a place that supposedly values life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, is now in the spotlight once again for actions that work directly against these ideals. The United States is no stranger to hypocrisy. The Constitution wasn’t written with…