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Nov 30, 2012

The Best Hugger in the World

Chelsea Gardner | Staff Writer  It has been more than a decade since Toni Harris Thorpe joined the N.C. State family as program coordinator for the African American Cultural Center. While her job description does not include it, on a daily basis Thorpe, or “Mama Thorpe,” a nickname given to her by students, gleefully greets familiar…

Nov 30, 2012

To All My Nubian Brothers and Sisters, What’s Up? Pt.2

Kierra Leggett | Editor-in-Chief In 1992, Tony Williamson set out to create a newspaper that would provide Afrikan-American students  at N.C. State with an outlet to have their     voices heard. Twenty years later, I am proud to  say that I have had a stake in helping to keep both that outlet and Tony’s legacy…

Oct 24, 2012

The Other Greek Experience: Being Black in a White Fraternity

Christopher Lynn | Staff Writer There isn’t any half-stepping when it comes to joining a Greek organization, but in Dayton Collins’ organization, there isn’t any stepping at all. Collins, a junior majoring in Arts Application, is a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, one of the oldest Greek organizations in the world. Like most African-Americans interested in…

Oct 24, 2012

Presidential Double Take

  DeErricka Green | Staff Writer  Robyn Sanders has following politics down to a science, hence her political science major. Given her impressive scrapbook, some might argue that she also knows a thing or two about how to secure a photo with the First Family. Sanders, a junior here at N.C. State and her twin sister, Ashlyn,…

Oct 17, 2012

N.C. State Drum Major: A Campus Celebrity

Kierra Leggett | Editor-in-Chief  Today,  N.C. State Marching Band Drum Major Aaron Thomas will get a haircut. Thomas, 20, may not really need a haircut, but for the North Carolina native, Wednesday haircuts have become one of his pre-game rituals. “Typically the Wednesday before a game I get my haircut,” said Thomas, “Drum Majors don’t wear…

Sep 26, 2012

To buy the iPhone 5 or not to buy the iPhone 5, That is the Question

Justin Ferguson| Contributor  After months of waiting the iPhone 5 is finally here. For most people eligible for an upgrade or just anyone in need of a new phone, purchasing the iPhone may seem to be the only logical choice, however this is not the case. The iPhone 5’s biggest competitor is the Samsung Galaxy…

Sep 19, 2012

Fashion Chronicles: New York City Fashion Week

Joelle Purifoy | Contributor I was invited back for the second year in a row to assist with Tracy Reese’s Spring/Summer 2013 Fashion Show. Having interned with Reese in the summer of 2011, this was one of the wonderful perks that enabled me to get more involved, by meeting and networking with people from different aspects of…

Aug 29, 2012

Alpha Corner

D’Andra Troy | Campus Style Correspondent As students here at N.C. State we all know about the many struggles of our college lifestyle. Oodles of Noodles for dinner, arriving at the club after “free before eleven, ‘balling out’ the week you get your refund check, then being broke for the rest of the semester. These…

Sep 21, 2011

Ask Nubian: Best Friend Problems

Dear Nubian, I know that last year you did an advice column, and I was wondering what happened to it. But anyways I have this issue… My best friend has been dating this guy for a couple of months… We’ve been real close for like two years, but he’s been trying to talk to me behind…

Aug 31, 2011

Grown, Sexy Not the New Business Casual

During at least one point in everyone’s collegiate career, there will come a time when they are required to dress in business casual attire. Given that for many students the only type of dress code they’ve ever had to comply with is “Grown and Sexy” for Thursday nights at the club, it can be a daunting task trying to determine what exactly is considered business casual. For certain however, “Grown and Sexy” is not it.

Feb 25, 2011

From Root to Tip: Discovering Your African American History

By Alexis Teasdell/Staff Writer On Thursday, Women Empowering Society Together in partnership with the Women’s Center, held an event entitled “From Root to Tip: Discovering Your African American Hairstory.”  The event consisted of a panel of four women discussing their hair stories and discussing hair in general. The night began with a video of interviews…

Oct 9, 2009

Sleep On It

Have you ever heard the saying “You Snooze You Lose”?  If you are a young adult, you have probably heard this from parents advising you on academics or from siblings just joking around.  This statement is very true in some aspects of our lives; from career opportunities to our love interest.  Although this common saying…