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Sep 12, 2008

NBA Hall of Fame Inducts 2008 Class

Springfield, Massachusetts is the home of the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. In the game that, legendary, Dr. James Naismith created in 1891, which has evolved into a culture, an understanding, and a way to communicate across many nations, many will play, but only a select few will ever make it to be immortalized in this legendary hall. Recently, some new and well-deserved faces were inducted into the Hall for their many accomplishments in the game. While seven individuals were inducted, four will get recognition in this article.

Sep 12, 2008

Higher learning; time, misconceptions keep students out of college

Higher education-education beyond the grade school years-has been in existence for many years; people have used it to further their careers, to network with various people, to develop creativity and talent in various areas of life, and the list goes on. At different points in time in our nation's history, including many people, especially the minority populations, really had to endure many struggles and hardships to be able to attain a higher level education. Now we have the resources and tools to become more educationally successful than ever. The question is this: In this day and time, are we really tapping into the resources that allow us to get involved with higher education?

Sep 12, 2008

Let’s eat it raw

Raw food has recently gained popularity among those who are looking for a lifestyle change. Though it may seem like one of those "new fad diets", it has been around for many years. Raw food, when compared to that of cooked food, has many benefits in transforming the body into a healthy one. Here are the reasons why raw food is beneficial.

Aug 29, 2008

Friday Fest; a giant success

What does an event need to guarantee a big turn out? Just combine three elements; live entertainment, free food and close proximity and students are sure to pack the house. It's true especially when the location is right at Lee Field on campus, the free food includes everything from steak subs to funnel cake, and the main performer for the live entertainment is none other than 90s R&B male super group, Boyz II Men. This year, the Union Activities Board (UAB) used these elements to host their annual Friday Fest to an overwhelming success. In case you missed it and no one has truly broken down the details of the evening, here are some of the events' highlights and low lights.

Aug 29, 2008

African American Cultural Center Reading Room provides access and insight to African American literature

Do you know there is a reading room featuring a myriad of books by African American writers right here on campus? This is a very special room that has many readings from the African American race, and it is waiting for you to grace it with your presence.

Aug 29, 2008

Staying true to your passion

What is passion? The definition I found for the word passion in Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary is: "a moving of the mind or soul; excitement of the feelings, whether pleasing or painful; disturbance or agitation of mind caused by a specific exciting cause and manifested by some sensible effect on the body." Is there anything in life that excites you and makes you want to pursue it in an effort to better yourself and others around you? Whatever it is, please do not let go of your passion.

Aug 29, 2008

The Oil Cleansing Method

Clear, glowing healthy skin is a trait that many wish they could have. Some can achieve this characteristic without having to do much of anything. For some it is hard as they have tried everything from various facial cleansers to prescription medications. However there are many natural ways that could benefit your skin, thus making it clear and beautiful. One of the many natural ways that will be discussed is called the oil cleansing method.

Jun 26, 2008

Bring It To the Runway!

Trend savvy, vivacious, and coordinated were just a few thoughts that came to mind at the opening of the Black Finesse Modeling Troupe's (BFMT) annual spring showcase last Monday evening in Stewart Theater.

Jun 26, 2008

The 38th Annual Pan-Afrikan Comedy Show

What better way to start off a Friday night than going out with your friends for a good laugh! I would say this show was a hit, people were laughing almost to the point of pain all through out the show. The crowd was live, hype, and very interactive with the comedians.

Jun 26, 2008

Gotta Have Chocolate!

Some studies have also observed a modest reduction in blood pressure and flow-mediated dilation after consuming approximately 100g of dark chocolate daily.