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Sep 26, 2019

Do Black Athletes Have A Responsibility to Attend HBCUs?

Athletes are more than just athletes, they are people. People who have made sacrifices and busted their behinds to make it to the best programs

Sep 16, 2019

Remember Who You Are

Since PWIs have a low population of Blacks, Black students are pushed to a crowd where they are forced to maneuver their way into an unusual world.

Aug 30, 2019

A One Hit Wonder vs. A Legend

From their great service to their delicious and healthy tasting food, Chick-fil-a has been the one to beat -- especially with their chicken sandwiches. But it looks like a challenge is underway as a well known fried chicken franchise has come out with their own spicy chicken sandwich.

Kevin Moye profile

Aug 30, 2019

We Must Continue to Fight for Equal Pay

The fight for Black women’s equal pay is more than just a gender battle.

Aug 22, 2019

Party Scene: Lessons I Learned

Yesenia Jones | Staff Writer Welcome to NC State, Class of 2023! This is an exciting time that will be filled with new people and surroundings. Like many incoming freshmen, you’ve probably heard stories about partying in college. I was once in your shoes and, like many other upperclassmen, I have multiple stories that are…

Kevin Moye profile

Aug 18, 2019

The World is Yours

Given its ever-increasing popularity, many students have begun to take college for granted; however, we should all view our college experience as incredibly seminal moments in our lives. Not only does it give us the opportunity to take agency over our futures, but it also gives students the chance to connect with themselves in ways which might otherwise be unavailable. 

Aug 18, 2019

“Born a Crime”: The Full Book Review

In the book, Noah contextualizes his experiences and upbringing within wider societal changes happening in South Africa. Now this book is not offering a deep dive in the wider socio-political workings of South African society, merely, Trevor Noah is grounding his narrative within the wider narrative of South Africa.

Kevin Moye profile

Apr 17, 2019

Reparations should not be our Litmus Test

One of the most surprising features of this election cycle thus far has been the unexpected amount of interest in the reparation platform for candidates running in the Democratic primary. Popularized by many members of the black media like Ta-Nehisi Coates and “The Breakfast Club”, reparations have become a hot-button issue that just about every candidate in the race has opined on. While I do wish that more politicians would get behind the idea of reparations as a means to remedy the damage caused by 200 years of chattel slavery, I do not think that reparations should be the hill that progressives die on.

Apr 5, 2019

The Impact of ‘Us’ on the Film Industry

For quite some time, there has been a myth in Hollywood that black films won’t gross enough money. It’s believed that films with predominantly black casts will underperform in the box office. “Us” is just one of many examples that debunks this myth.

Profile photo of Shawn Fredericks

Apr 4, 2019

Pan-Af Week is Not Pan-African

The long-awaited occasion is the week where black people are supposed to come together in friendship and attend a week of events carefully curated by the hardworking people of the Black Students Board.In my experience, however, Pan-Af does not and has not lived up to the values of Pan-Africanism, the term from which the week gets its namesake.Honestly, Pan-Af is NC State’s “African-American Homecoming week with a little diasporic spice.” An African-American homecoming week would not get any opposition from me, but I wish it was much more honest about it.The week is more often about parties, outfits and being on the gram with your clique than building solidarity between people of African descent.

Kevin Moye profile

Apr 4, 2019

We Cannot Tolerate Right-Wing Extremism on Our Campus

Just as we should not stereotype Islam as the root cause of Islamic terrorism, we should not mischaracterize all right-wing ideology as the cause of all extremist terror. Instead, we should be critical of segments of any ideology that lead to extremist tendencies. As college students, we must be the most aware of what these ideologies that can manifest into.

Mar 21, 2019

Jess the Mess: Bigotry in the Black Community

Social media influencer, comedian and actress Jessica Moore—also known as Jess Hilarious—received backlash recently after posting a rant via her Instagram story that contained xenophobic comments. The comments were in reference to four men in turbans who the comedian felt threatened by while boarding a plane. Was she genuine in her apology or was she just trying to save her career?