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Mar 9, 2023

How have you Embraced Black History Month?

“I’ve embraced Black History Month by pushing forward in my studies. I am one of the few Black Graphic Design majors in my studio class, so I make it known through my designs that I deserve to hold a place in the design community. I don’t see many Black designers, so I continue to learn…

Mar 31, 2022

Staff Editorial: The Slap Heard Around The World.

Ayo….. We know y’all saw Will Smith slap the sh*t outta Chris Rock. A lot of people have a lot to say about it and honestly… shut up. If you are only funny because you make fun of other people’s appearances, maybe you aren’t funny. Also, if you be letting yt people call you the…

Mar 3, 2022

Tribute To Cody

TW: Death, murder Cody McLaggan was a Dec. 2021 graduate of NC State University, graduating with a B.S. in Agricultural Business Management. During his time at State, he was a Technical Research Assistant and very active with the Agricultural Business Management Club. Cody had just accepted a job in Virginia and was preparing to move there…

Mar 14, 2021

Staff Editorial: It’s Not Really Giving. Nubian Message Will Not Be Endorsing Either Ticket For SBP/SBVP

Nubian Message acknowledges the importance of NC State’s Student Government Elections.  As a newspaper, we were founded with the intention of supporting, advocating, and assisting the underrepresented students within our campus community. Since November 30, 1992, our commitment has been to these students.  With that being said, the Nubian Message Staff will not be endorsing either…

Your disregard for human life is simply irresponsible

Jan 14, 2021

To NCSU Administration: Your Disregard For Human Life Is Simply Irresponsible.

CW: Death, COVID-19 NC State Administration: You have less than 48 hours to fix your shit before students return to on-campus housing. Your disregard for human life is simply irresponsible.    We are tired of begging you to care about the wellbeing of your students, faculty, and staff so this will be brief.    Last semester,…

Aug 18, 2020

To NCSU Administration: If You Don’t Care About Us Then Just Say That

If you don’t care about the lives of your students, faculty and staff, just say that.  After over 130 positive COVID-19 cases (in the span of a week), UNC-Chapel Hill has made the decision to cancel all in-person classes. This is 130 potential lives lost.  How many cases will it take for the NC State Administration…

Jun 5, 2020

Why We Are Not Supporting The 6/6 Protest

For those wondering why we are not supporting the protest planned for June 6th, 2020: It is another example of NC State organizations ignoring the same people they claim they supported. The organizers of this “peaceful” protest claimed they wanted to uplift and support Black voices and the Black community — without including a single Black…

Jun 1, 2020

A Letter From The Editor: Please Try Again, Chancellor Woodson

Firstly, I would like to say that when we demanded that you released a statement, we were hoping that you would at least be truthful. Releasing a statement without condemning and addressing the wrongdoings of your current administration and administrations of the past is meaningless. These acts of racism, discrimination, and harm are not isolated…

May 31, 2020

Nubian’s Response to Raleigh Protest Against Police Brutality

On May 30, 2020, thousands of freedom fighters gathered in Raleigh to protest in retaliation for the brutal murders of George Floyd and the many other victims of police brutality.   Something that began very peacefully was met with tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and other forms of violence from the Raleigh Police Department (RPD).…

May 29, 2020

Nubian’s Response To The Murder of George Floyd

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section” _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”3.0.47″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”3.0.47″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] Nubian Message would like to express our solidarity with the freedom fighters in Minneapolis, Minnesota and other areas around the country. Your fight is important, your voice matters, your existence matters. We see you. We hear you.…

Mar 4, 2019

Nubian Message Endorses Obiol/Malico

We, the staff of Nubian Message, are proud to endorse Alex Obiol, a third-year studying textile engineering, and Lexie Malico, a third-year chemistry graduate student, for student body president and vice president.

Nov 29, 2018

Staff Editorial: Self-Care Is Not Self-indulgence

Self-care has recently become the public’s automatic response to any stressor; the endless results of articles that pop up when you google “self-care” shows this. Had a bad day at work? Take a bath with a bath bomb. Overwhelmed with a project? Do a face mask! Is your calendar too full with brunch meetings and...