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Africana Studies

Profile photo of Shawn Fredericks

Apr 4, 2019

Pan-Af Week is Not Pan-African

The long-awaited occasion is the week where black people are supposed to come together in friendship and attend a week of events carefully curated by the hardworking people of the Black Students Board.In my experience, however, Pan-Af does not and has not lived up to the values of Pan-Africanism, the term from which the week gets its namesake.Honestly, Pan-Af is NC State’s “African-American Homecoming week with a little diasporic spice.” An African-American homecoming week would not get any opposition from me, but I wish it was much more honest about it.The week is more often about parties, outfits and being on the gram with your clique than building solidarity between people of African descent.

Sep 1, 2016

GUEST COLUMN: Between the World and You

Dr. Kwesi Brookins Welcome or welcome back to NC State University. We trust you found respite and rejuvenation this summer. Did you take advantage of opportunities to do things beyond your educational life? Perhaps you became active in civic or political causes or gained a greater understanding of the forces that shape our lives? We…

Apr 17, 2013

Task Force on Academic Programs Proposes AFS & WGS Merger

Kierra Leggett | Editor-in-Chief Beginning next fall Africana Studies (AFS) and Women’s & Gender Studies (WGS) could merge to form a single Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS) major. The formation of this merger would lessen AFS and WGS to concentrations. Proposed by the Task Force on Review of Academic Programs, the intent of the merger would be to…