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bernie sanders

Kevin Moye profile

Apr 17, 2019

Reparations should not be our Litmus Test

One of the most surprising features of this election cycle thus far has been the unexpected amount of interest in the reparation platform for candidates running in the Democratic primary. Popularized by many members of the black media like Ta-Nehisi Coates and “The Breakfast Club”, reparations have become a hot-button issue that just about every candidate in the race has opined on. While I do wish that more politicians would get behind the idea of reparations as a means to remedy the damage caused by 200 years of chattel slavery, I do not think that reparations should be the hill that progressives die on.

Kevin Moye profile

Mar 21, 2019

Bernie Sanders Continues to Be the Answer

The 2020 election cycle is starting to pick up speed and with it comes the revealing of the Democratic Party’s talent pool. This pool of potential candidates is already shaping up to be the most diverse in the history of our country. The field contains more women and people of color than ever before, some with intersecting identities that make the group even more historic. While I am highly impressed by the diversity of the field this year, I have become increasingly disappointed by the narrative surrounding one candidate in particular: Bernie Sanders. A surface-level look at Sanders would lead one to believe that he is the prototypical old, white male candidate, but his underlying policy plans prove that this cannot be farther from the truth.

Symone Sanders poses for photo with her poster on Thursday, Jan. 17 at McKimmon Center. Her 2019 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Campus Commemoration Keynote Address was titled "MLK, Jr.: THE REALIST."

Jan 31, 2019

Q&A with Symone Sanders

Nubian Message sat with Symone Sanders, the 2019 MLK Commemoration speaker, to talk politics, her path to success and what it means to be an effective politician.