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Apr 3, 2019

Black Immigrants: The Forgotten Immigrant Narrative

Immigration has become a hot topic under the current presidential administration of the United States. Swift changes in our nation's immigration policies have resulted in high amounts of media attention regarding immigration and the immigrant experience. However, the immigrant narrative displayed by major media publications seems to be dominated by the stories of brown Latinx immigrants from Central and Latin America. While this narrative serves as representation for the majority of the United States’ Latinx immigrant population, it severely neglects and underrepresents the experiences of black immigrants. According to the Pew Research Center, there are approximately 4.2 million black-identifying immigrants in the United States, and this population is steadily increasing. These immigrants often migrate from the Caribbean and Africa.Despite the growing presence of black immigrants in the United States, their underrepresentation in the media has remained the same and the lack of media representation for these immigrant groups has had lasting effects on black immigrant youth.

Mar 21, 2019

Jess the Mess: Bigotry in the Black Community

Social media influencer, comedian and actress Jessica Moore—also known as Jess Hilarious—received backlash recently after posting a rant via her Instagram story that contained xenophobic comments. The comments were in reference to four men in turbans who the comedian felt threatened by while boarding a plane. Was she genuine in her apology or was she just trying to save her career?

Nov 8, 2018

Fighting Transphobia With Awareness

In modern American politics, transgender people may be one of the most persecuted groups in our society. Their rights are constantly assaulted by transphobic lawmakers too scared of their existence; they face a society that is still too stuck in traditional values to accept them for who they are; and now, they...

Kevin Moye profile

Sep 27, 2018

Getting Rid of Affirmative Action Hurts All Minorities

Kevin Moye | Staff Writer Arguably the worst part of going to college is applying to college. The process is expensive, time-consuming and incredibly stressful. Applying to college is already daunting enough with the constant comparisons of one’s self to others when weighing your chances of getting into a certain school or not. To make…

Profile photo of Shawn Fredericks

Sep 27, 2018

Why I Am Race First Instead of America First

Shawn Fredericks | Staff Writer Being black in America means existing in two modes at the same time: Black and American. As history has shown, my nationality is often at odds with my racial identity. I navigate this complexity by accepting the reality of my racial identity superseding my national identity. In other words, I choose…

Oct 30, 2013

In-Store Discrimination Hits Below the Belt

DeVonte Keith | Staff Writer Many African-Americans have felt the unwelcoming stares of store clerks as they step foot into some of their favorite shopping establishments. Trayon Christian wishes that was all he would have received the day he went shopping at Barneys of New York. On April 29, Christian, a freshman at New York…