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Hillary Clinton

Mar 26, 2024

Ageism: Wrinkles or Wisdom

As the curtain rises on yet another election season, the spotlight remains on the same ol’ candidates from the 2020 presidential election: President Joe Biden and Donald J. Trump. For those politically inclined, election seasons are exciting times. But this year, the word ‘excitement’ does not seem to fit the United States’ political atmosphere. To…

Kevin Moye profile

Mar 21, 2019

Bernie Sanders Continues to Be the Answer

The 2020 election cycle is starting to pick up speed and with it comes the revealing of the Democratic Party’s talent pool. This pool of potential candidates is already shaping up to be the most diverse in the history of our country. The field contains more women and people of color than ever before, some with intersecting identities that make the group even more historic. While I am highly impressed by the diversity of the field this year, I have become increasingly disappointed by the narrative surrounding one candidate in particular: Bernie Sanders. A surface-level look at Sanders would lead one to believe that he is the prototypical old, white male candidate, but his underlying policy plans prove that this cannot be farther from the truth.

Nov 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton ends campaign trail at NC State with midnight rally

Anahzsa Jones| Managing Editor Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton visited NC State University for the Midnight Get Out The Vote Rally, sponsored by the student organization College Democrats of NC State. The event featured pop culture icons Lady Gaga and Jon Bon Jovi, as well as former President Bill Clinton and the Clinton’s daughter Chelsea Clinton. The highly…

Nov 2, 2016

Election Round-Up

Dion Figueroa | Correspondent Early voting in the state of North Carolina is coming to a close this weekend, and despite Democrats having an early lead in voter turnout, their numbers have begun to slow as Election Day nears. According to the North Carolina Board of Elections around, 1.5 million North Carolinians have taken advantage…

Oct 28, 2016

STAFF EDITORIAL: Your Vote is Your Voice

  Nubian Message Staff Why We Can’t Wait For many of us and our readers, this is the first time we will have a voice in how this country is run. According to the Pew Research Center, the 2008 General Election saw the highest voter turnouts for African-Americans at 65.2 percent, up from 60 percent…

Oct 10, 2016

First Lady Michelle Obama Inspires Millennial Voters

Zoe Wilson | Correspondent On Tuesday, Oct. 4 the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama spoke to a crowd of approximately 6,000 at Reynolds Coliseum to campaign for Hillary Clinton and encourage everyone, especially millennials, to vote in the upcoming election. Typically younger generations have the least amount of voter participation, but the…