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NC State

Apr 27, 2016

AASAC Elects New E-board, Plans for Next Year

Keilah Davis | Correspondent The Afrikan American Student Advisory Council (AASAC) serves as the umbrella organization for African American student organizations and as a liaison to university administration. Johnia Murray a sophomore studying psychology has been elected to be the 2016-2017 chair, with Bria Swann, a junior studying nutrition science as the AASAC vice chair…

Apr 27, 2016

New Sharefish App Helps You Plan a Night Out

Threa Almontaser | Staff Writer NC State now has an app that lets users plan their entire night out before the night even begins. Through Sharefish, a subscribed user is able to have all the bar specials displayed, über integration, as well as the male to female ratio and the number of people in the…

Apr 27, 2016

New App Made by NC State Engineers Allows Students to Debate and Rate

Jillian Smith | Editor-in-Chief Everyone likes to argue. Whether it’s about which colors a dress is or which candidate should be president, young people, especially on a college campus, love debates. Now, there’s an app that you can use to bring your debate to a wider audience. Yaheard is a competitive arguing app designed by…

Apr 27, 2016

Student Support Services Celebrates Seniors

Anahsza Jones| Correspondent On April 22, forty people gathered in Talley for the TRIO SSS Programs End of Year Celebration. The crowd was comprised of parents, faculty, and of course, the TRIO scholars. The purpose of the TRIO programs is to encourage students who will be first in their immediate family to receive a degree…

Apr 27, 2016

Ebony Harlem Awards Honor Black Students

Nyna Nickelson | Correspondent The African American Cultural Center, which has been celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, will host the annual Ebony Harlem Awards Sunday, May 1. Because of the big milestone the award ceremony’s theme this year will be “25 Proverbs for 25 years”. This year the African American Cultural Center and the…

Aug 12, 2015

Natural Hair, Real Talk

Chauncey Bowden Correspondent  Whether you’re rocking a full grown afro, TWA, or are transitioning, being natural and new to campus can be a little tricky. However you choose to sport your hair is completely up to your discretion. So if you want to big job; go for it. And if you want to relax your…

Aug 12, 2015

AASAC Chair shares plans for the upcoming year

QuiAnne’ Holmes Staff Writer The Afrikan American Student Advisory Council, AASAC stands as the umbrella council organization for all the African and African-American student organizations at NC State. The main purpose of this council according to incoming chairperson Breanna Powell a senior majoring in social work, is to “serve as a forum for the exchange…

Mar 19, 2015

Letter to the Editor: NCSU Administrator responds to latest racist social media posts on campus

As I read the Nubian Message article, Racist Social media posts surface just after Black N.C. State SBP-elect announced, about racist, intolerant and hateful comments posted on Yik Yak after the student body elections, I was saddened, angry, frustrated and disgusted. All understandable reactions to such ignorant and cowardly comments directed at some in our…

Apr 3, 2014

New Website Aims to Impact Student Success at NC State

Davante Falls | Staff Writer The Division of Academic and Student Affairs and the Office of International Affairs have teamed up to launch a new website aimed at helping students excel outside of the classroom. The new website, was created in order to promote high impact opportunities for students at N.C. State. The site…