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Oct 24, 2016

Town Hall Offers Little Healing to Students of Color

Kenton Gibbs| Staff Writer Due to the screenshot scandal and the response, or lack thereof, the town hall was seen as a pivotal moment for race relations on this campus. Student Government’s Racial Climate Town Hall took place Thursday, Sept. 29. The town hall was held in the Stewart Theatre and it brought out a…

Oct 19, 2016

GUEST COLUMN: How NC State’s Administration Can Help

Tania Luma |Guest Columnist Tania Luma is an attorney and an adjunct professor at DePaul University. How a university responds to its stu-dents sets the tone for the campus–it sets the expectations. In regards to recent racist comments by students, North Carolina State University acknowledged racism is wrong. However, the university stated through several officials it…

Oct 19, 2016

Students Air Grievances About Racial Tensions to Officials

Stephanie Tate| Editor-in-Chief On Sep 29, 2016 students, faculty, sta and administrators alike gathered in Stew- art eatre for the second Racial Climate Town Hall. e town hall was planned by Student Government’s University A airs Chair Soraya Russell and is a part of a series of town halls planned by Russell and her committee…

Oct 5, 2016

Staff Editorial: We Deserve and Expect Better

Our Response to No Response The latest events at NC State have left us puzzled, disheartened and disappointed. We have been made to believe that NC State has held their students to a certain caliber. We believed coming in as freshmen that we were going to be attending a school that wanted only the best,…

Sep 28, 2016

Screenshot Scandal Escalates Racial Tension at NC State

Stephanie Tate | Editor-in-Chief Anahzsa Jones | Managing Editor Kenton Gibbs | Staff Writer Keilah Davis| Staff Writer On Tuesday Sep 27, 2016 screenshots of two different GroupMe chats with students at NC State containing racial slurs and critiques of a peaceful protest that occurred on campus last week were made public on various social…

Sep 24, 2016

Students Stage Die In Protest in Solidarity with Charlotte and Tulsa

Kai Anthony & Kenton Gibbs What comes mind to first when you think of the color black? Death ? Power? What about unity? Or elegance? “Sadly enough black has negative connotation, but for me this black for me is almost like a funeral. It signifies mourning and grieving” said Achai Dent, a sophomore studying animal…

Sep 21, 2016

Harambee!! 2016 Brought Us All Together

Anahzsa Jones| Managing Editor As a third year African American student at NC State, it may seem like sacrilege that this year’s Harambee!! was my very first. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. I’ve never been in a room so steeped in love, community, and African tradition. Harambee is Swahili for “let us…

Sep 9, 2016

Are You Sitting on Slave Labor? Why You Should Care About the September 9th Prison Strike

Qasima Wideman | Correspondent Students at NC State are likely unaware that many of the metal products we encounter every day on campus- from the chairs we sit in, the desks we write on, to the door frames and trash cans in our buildings, were made by black and brown prisoners here in North Carolina…

Sep 1, 2016

What I Wish I Had Known My Freshman Year

Chauncey Bowden | Staff Writer Congratulations! You are beginning your journey as a college student. The next four, or four and a half, or maybe even five years of your life will be some of the most life-changing of all. I’m certain that all of your friends and family have already been passing along their…

Sep 1, 2016

Dear Class of 2020: What You Need to Know

Keilah Davis | Correspondent Welcome to NC State! As a minority student at a predominately-white university, your transition to college won’t mirror that of your peers. Sometimes people will wonder why you take so long to wash your hair in the shower. Sometimes you’ll question whether NC State was the right choice. But by the…

Sep 1, 2016

GUEST COLUMN: Between the World and You

Dr. Kwesi Brookins Welcome or welcome back to NC State University. We trust you found respite and rejuvenation this summer. Did you take advantage of opportunities to do things beyond your educational life? Perhaps you became active in civic or political causes or gained a greater understanding of the forces that shape our lives? We…

Aug 20, 2016

Multicultural Greek Council Embraces All

Stephanie Tate| Editor-in-Chief In an effort to promote inclusiveness in the fraternal community the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) serves as the governing body for a diverse group of sororities and fraternities at NC State. The sororities include: Alpha Pi Omega, Alpha Phi Gamma, Kappa Phi Lambda, Lambda Pi Chi, Lambda Theta Alpha and Theta Nu…