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people of color

Nov 29, 2018

Staff Editorial: Self-Care Is Not Self-indulgence

Self-care has recently become the public’s automatic response to any stressor; the endless results of articles that pop up when you google “self-care” shows this. Had a bad day at work? Take a bath with a bath bomb. Overwhelmed with a project? Do a face mask! Is your calendar too full with brunch meetings and...

Profile photo of Shawn Fredericks

Nov 29, 2018

Shawn’s Soapbox: America’s False Democracy

The midterm elections are over, and the blue wave turned out to be a blue splash with Democrats getting the House (an expected result), and Republicans keeping the Senate. While the promised blue wave did not sweep the nation, it did break through many barriers, especially for women of color, who showed out.

Profile photo of Shawn Fredericks

Oct 11, 2018

Shawn’s Soapbox: Why It’s Important for Black People to Vote

Shawn Fredericks | Staff Writer October 12 is a special day—not because of sports or entertainment but, something of far greater importance: politics. This Friday is the deadline to register to vote in the November general election. Voting is the main way, which is unfortunately only accessible to citizens, to make your voice heard on…

Jan 19, 2017

GUEST COLUMN: Creating community for GLBT students of color through QPOC discussion group

Preston Keith | Guest Columnist Institutions of higher education often cite diversity and inclusion as a central component of their mission. Students are asked to bring their whole selves in the hopes of building community, furthering dialogue, and celebrating the diverse identities present. Oftentimes, diversity is only seen from a singular perspective and focuses on…

Oct 28, 2016

STAFF EDITORIAL: Your Vote is Your Voice

  Nubian Message Staff Why We Can’t Wait For many of us and our readers, this is the first time we will have a voice in how this country is run. According to the Pew Research Center, the 2008 General Election saw the highest voter turnouts for African-Americans at 65.2 percent, up from 60 percent…