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Oct 20, 2022

Guest Poem: Red, White, Black, and Blue

How do you survive?  In a country meant to destroy you  Generations of constantly drowning  Grinds you beneath its feet    In a country meant to destroy you  Our suffering is all unique  Grinds you beneath its feet  The accumulation of oppression    Our suffering is all unique  But we lack the needed empathy  The…

Sep 22, 2022

Find your Fire, Let it Burn

On Sept. 16, 2022,Alexis Lawson hosted a poetry workshop. The African American Cultural Center and the Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies department co-sponsored the workshop The event was on the second floor of the Witherspoon Student Center. Upon entering the room, guests were greeted with displays of Black art and Lawson’s poems. Four tables were…

Sep 8, 2022

Black Voices Through Art and Poetry

On Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2022, the African American Cultural Center (AACC) hosted its first gallery opening of the semester: HerBlackHand – A Conversational Piece. This gallery was the first of its kind done by the AACC. The gallery differed from previous ones as it had works from multiple artists and used various mediums for the…

Apr 14, 2022

Elikem’s Corner: Interested

You may have had my 21 but you will not get my 22.   22 is about keeping, I am no longer interested in refracting I am no longer interested in entertaining these twisted narratives I am no longer interested in payments and registrations  I am no longer interested in the bruises or the headaches…

Nov 18, 2021

Elikem’s Corner: November 15, 2018

As I go into this third year, As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, And it gets harder to get out of bed,  I contemplate whether all this was worth it.  Whether it was worth waking up.  My heart hurts and my soul is tired And now I don’t know if I’ll…

Oct 3, 2021


The pure white tile reflects the light as the cool air hits my bare skin. I step inside my marbled safe haven, Hotter, Hotter, Hotter!  I am comforted by a blanket of warmth  as today’s thoughts disappear into a light mist. I can feel the tension being released, Hotter, Hotter, Hotter! The steam fills all…

Oct 3, 2021

Yes, I Am Strong

I am just as intimidating as I look.  You see, I am rooted in things that you simply will never understand  And I know that can be difficult for you to grasp  Weak-minded, abusers like yourself  Stuck in the “glory days,” attempting to hold onto the past    And now I know that the sacrifices…

Mar 3, 2021

Elikem’s Corner: Oh How I Miss My Water

You don’t miss your water until your well runs dry all I have left are the pictures The memories that constantly replay in my head An endless loop I can’t seem to escape No matter how hard I try I can’t seem to drink it, sleep it, or sing it away Eventually, I will have…

Feb 24, 2021

Elikem’s Corner: I Hope

I loved you so much  And I hope that you can take my love with you  I hope that you can take all of the memories All of the laughs and joy All of the hugs and dances All of the late night convos and quarter life crises   I hope that you know that…

Feb 10, 2021

Elikem’s Corner: Free

I am constantly counting down the days until I am free Arbitrary dates scattered throughout eternity  Truth be told, freedom is never coming  It isn’t meant for me  It isn’t meant for weak, broken, weary souls like mine  If freedom can be acquired through death then I pray that my time comes soon  I am…

Feb 3, 2021

Elikem’s Corner: Many Pieces

I know I am not broken But I still feel shattered, ripped, and scattered  I am still exhausted from trying to piece everything together  Trying to make sense of senseless actions and exclamations  Trying to make sense of the thoughts floating in me Trying to make sense of the scars and bruises  Trying to make…

Jan 27, 2021

Elikem’s Corner: Maybe, Just Maybe

They say pain makes us who we are But I don’t want to be my pain I don’t want to carry these burdens and scars placed on me I don’t want to carry this feeling forever This feeling that maybe Black girls like me do not deserve to be loved That maybe we do not…