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President Trump

Amber Doyle profile

Jan 31, 2019

Media Outlets Perpetuate Negative Stereotypes About Women in Politics

Amber Doyle | Correspondent The 2020 presidential election is rumored to become the most diverse election in the United States in terms of gender. As more women come forward to announce they’re running in the Democratic primary, media outlets have begun to ignore the accomplishments and experiences of the female candidates by reporting on things…

Profile photo of Kenton Gibbs

Oct 18, 2017

Kenton’s Corner: Protect Birth Control

Kenton Gibbs | Staff Writer Oh look, President Trump is at it again. I know I said I’d leave it alone, but for Christ’s sake it’s really getting out of hand. His latest repeal is to allow companies to not provide free birth control if it disagrees with their religious beliefs. It’s more than likely that…

Sep 20, 2017

DACA in Limbo: An Update on Proposed Bills

Carl Hintz | Correspondent On Tuesday, September 5th, President Trump rescinded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, DACA, an Obama-era policy that protected certain undocumented immigrants from deportation. DACA protected about 800,000 people who came to the U.S. under the age of 16 and did not have legal status to live or work in…

Jan 26, 2017

Kenton’s Corner: More than lip service

Kenton Gibbs| Staff Writer Early in Donald Trump’s presidency, he has brought in many African American people to function as liaisons for the black community. All of those he bought in seem to rave about how he seems so genuine and is a great person. I do not know the man so I can’t make…